forty one

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tw-gun violence 

this whole thing has just spun out of control and im just done.

at nine in the morning I text billie back and tell her I want to meet up and talk.

she suggests me coming into the studio because she's working.

it hurts to know she's been working so much but i don't say that.

our texting is very civil.

and meeting at her workplace sounds like a reasonable plan.

i'm even unsure where our relationship stands so I'm kinda scared to see her.

i park frankie up beside a fast food restaurant near the back entrance and walk around front and open the front door.

my throat tightens when i see billie at the front desk.



i'm about to close the door when i feel something against my leg.

"clear off, i've no food" i look down at the stray dog and it huffs and turns away, walking back out.

i close the door and billie gestures for me to come inside.

"i don't have a class on until ten so we've got a few minutes before people start coming in"


i'm nervous but i better make this quick.

billie looks at me with a hopeful expression. "you mentioned you were ready to talk"

i nod and reach into the front of my jumper, pulling out the blohsh chain around my neck.

"you gave me this on the condition that i needed to be more honest and open with you because i need to trust me. however i've clearly done something wrong that has hurt you and i assume i've done something to break your trust. so-"

i reach behind my neck and unclasp the necklace, putting it in billies hand. "i'm returning him to you, to end whatever it is we are-"


"please let me finish"

the shop door opens behind me.

when i'm ready to just leave here when i see billies face morph into anger.

and that's when i recognise the scent of weed.

no way.

"get the fuck out of here" i turn around, my heart pounding and see z staring at me with a lazy smirk on their face.

they look rougher since when i saw them at the garage which is saying a lot.

"hey princess" she's definitely high as hell on something, i don't know what, but their words show no emotion and neither does their face.

their hands are shoved into the pocket at the front of their hoodie and it looks like they're holding something.

i feel movement from behind me and z looks up shaking their head. "don't move any closer"

when they lift their hand out of their pocket billie freezes.

a gun.

i freeze, looking down at their hands which is shaking a little, holding up the weapon.

"put the gun down z, come on dude" billie sounds calm for someone who's got a gun pointed right at them.

"come on man, don't be stupid"

"no one is gonna catch me"

"i've got a dance class in ten minutes, people are gonna start coming in. they'll call the cops man"

z turns a little and the gun is pointed right at me.


"princess, go and lock the door"

i don't move.

"i think the both of you owe me an apology and maybe a little cash outta the register while i'm here. you know, payback for the misery i suffered when you let your little girlfriend beat me up"

"we're not alone in here z, put it away"

"guess you better hurry then"

i glance to billie who's breathing heavily, staring at z.

i hate that sight of that gun almost as much as i hate the sight of z.

but i'm not afraid of them.

i stomp to the front door, locking it and looking at billies face through the glass reflection. 

she's staring at the gun which z has pointed right at her. 

and z isn't sober. 

z turns around "it's locked, right?"


z turns back to billie, waving the gun behind the reception desk. "register, empty it"


z shoots the vase of roses on the side and I flinch at the sound of the gun firing and the glass shattering.

billie takes her time walking around the desk. 

when she gets to the register, billies eyes lock with mine. 

"I just need to wait for the computer to load. it's hooked up with the register and I can't open it until I log in"


she's stalling. 

z walks closer to billie and I take the opportunity to jump on her back, pushing their arm down.

z yells out, the gun shoots into the floor and we both fall on the ground. 

quickly, I kick their hand and shove the gun away from their reach, billie rushing over to pick it up. 

 I start to stand up when billie grabs my arm, tugging me up and kicks z in the stomach hard. 

everyones breathing heavily and I look down to z.

she's crying. 

"im sorry billie"

"me too" billie pulls out her phone, obviously calling 911. "I tried to help you man but I think it's a little too late for that"

three chapters left!

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