Chapter 2: First Step Into New World

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Wunsch, Wäldereich Federation

The two full moons appear in the clear sky, the southern port of Wunsch began to cease its activity during the night, and several Frigates patrolled from afar to protect the city against unwanted threats from the sea.

In the occupied apartment, Muhtal and his gang are discussing something about the next plan. They weren't worried about their lives since the Wäldereich provides them protection.

"I can't believe that we've made it" said Muhtal subordinate who is bald on his head.

"Of course I'm Muhtal, your smartest boss in the world" proclaims Muhtal proudly.

"so, what's your plan boss? we can't stay here for long" asked his shortest subordinate.

Muhtal answers "of course we can't, but we can use their support to take over the thrones, then we give them a demand that benefits us more".

All of them are laughing, unbeknownst to them they were spied on by the Wäldereich interior agency, this agency is monitoring them from an undisclosed area a few blocks from their apartment.

"foolish thugs, just because we're new in this world doesn't mean we're easily fooled" said a man who was watching the monitor.

Then his superior entered the room, he approached a man that was monitoring them, "So, what's you got, Iqbal?".

"Well, it turns out that these people are a bunch of thugs that are very lucky to kill someone who has a royalty tie and stole their regalia" answers Iqbal while he is still focused on the monitor.

"So, did you know their names?" asked Iqbal's superior.

Iqbal turned his swivel chair to face his superior "no sir, it's seems Muhtal gave them simplistic names", he pointed at the monitor "the big and bald one is Baldy, the short one is Shorty, and these two are Lefty and Righty and both of them are mute".

"Alright Iqbal, keep monitoring them, they could be useful for later".

Iqbal saluted to his superior, he turned his swivel chair back to face the monitor while his superior left the room, occasionally they switched to another shift to keep them monitored.

Sea between Jazera and Wäldereich

Under the cloudy sky, a Jazeran fleet consists of a galleon and three schooners headed towards the groups of "iron ships" that previously they encountered before, onboard the galleon Taniyn there's captain Anwar, ambassador Rihla, and Jazeran military advisor Afghar. Captain Anwar stood near his helmsman where Rihla and Afghar had a conversation on the deck.

"I'm surprised that our king was generous enough to forgive Anwar for his incompetence," said Afghar who still holds grudges toward Anwar.

Rihla then responded, "La!, considering that the green things that dancing above our kingdom are from the place that is in the same direction as the 'iron ship' that Anwar found, I think it was a good decision".

Suddenly the crewmate assigned to the crow's nest spotted something, he grabbed his spyglass to help him see the ships clearer.

"Captain, there's a group of iron ships from the horizon" he shouted.

Upon hearing this, Anwar ordered his helmsman to sail toward them and his crewmate who was assigned to the crow's nest to raise a white flag to prevent them from shooting their ship.

Bismarck Fleet Group

Meanwhile, on the FMS Bismarck, captain Ernest Lindemann stood at the bridge watching the situation. Currently, they've already detected the Jazeran fleet heading towards them, suddenly the officer reported something that he found.

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