Chapter 9: Operation Meteor (Aftermath)

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(note: there might be a Japanese bias about the history of Japan, keep in mind that they're receiving a book from Japan, that's why their history is kinda biased. And also, Japanese politics might be slightly different than real-life Japan)

Tokyo, Japan

The newly appointed president-in-exile Michael Wilson sat inside his office. The television showed the demonstration of the recent Japanese "intervention" toward the Lourian Imperium. Many signs written in Japanese are asking prime minister Rikuto to step down. Wilson chugged his coffee in amusement.

"That bastard really dip himself into the trouble, huh"

He picked up the remote and changed the channel. Now, it shows the inside of the Diet's building. Prime minister Rikuto is on the podium, silently addressing the issues.

"This isn't what Japan wanted, prime minister"

"Attacking others' sovereignty, even destroying their capital. Are you wanting our Japan to become Imperial again?"

Rikuto began to address "This is the only way, the Lourian Imperium can't accept 21st-century diplomacy. Worse, they even declared war against us"

"But directly attacking them is an act of aggression" shouted one of the Diet members

"So, for a country from the 16th century that is still following their colonization tendency, we tell them to back off, peacefully?"

The Diet room becomes quiet. The opposition side tries to come up with their arguments but to no avail. Some of them even didn't want to believe the transference theory.

Rikuto sighed, "I know people had enough of rationing, losing contacts with their beloved abroad, and losing the trading partner, Japan didn't want it. Hell, what's the benefit of cutting the contact with others?"

A long pause filled the Diet's room. They know that they're under an unexplained crisis, some opposition still believe Japan should stick to article 9. The majority believe that they should either revise or even abolish article 9.

"In the past, article 9 was useful since we have an ally that supports us from behind. But, in this new world, we don't have any allies. Therefore, article 9 will be used as a fence of our action, to prevent the tragedy of what our country did ninety-four years ago. Yes, attacking Lourian directly is a violation of article 9, but if we stay ignorant of what they did, then many Jap... no, many earthlings who stranded in Japan would suffer"

"Then, why not just trade with them after the war?" asked one of the opposition

Rikuto responded, "Do you forget about the war that happened in the past, many crops would be destroyed. Even if they have food stocks, they wouldn't be willing to trade with us". He cleared his throat before continuing his speech, "Therefore, I will not rest, I will not eat, and I will not resign until this crisis is ended"

The Diet's room becomes chaos once more. Many oppositions began to shout their insults toward the prime minister and the coalition members began to return the insults to the opposition. Wilson changed the channel to the others, showing the demonstration that became a fight, followed by a Battotai played in the background

Wilson raised his eyebrows and choked his coffee, "For all songs they had, they use drip remix one?". Wilson chuckled for a moment and continued to empty his coffee "I hope they don't become fascists soon. Damn conservatives, they thought that they can stand against the red dragon alone"

Wilson put the coffee cup on the table and continued his work. Being a president-in-exile is hard as he never wanted to be one. Still, the American military presence in Japan has grown powerful since the fall of South Korea, assuring him.

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