Chapter 5: Know the World

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Altura Hill, a border between Lourian Imperium and Sarginum kingdom

An army of the Sarginum kingdom marched toward Altura Hill, with the rectangular shield and spear in their hands, they were dispatched after the declaration of war from the Lourian Imperium after refusing to dissolve their sovereign.

Meanwhile from the hill, the Lourian army had already secured the high ground and was preparing to meet the Sarginumian army. The volley fire that the Perlidian officer taught showed great results against the previous engagement when securing the hill.

Inside the command tent, there was a figure that stood near the table, he moved piece by piece of wooden blocks while he coldly stared at the map, he was Adem "Demonic Strategist" Diabolin. While he was busily moving them the wooden blocks, suddenly he felt someone tapping on his shoulder, he tried to ignore it but he felt the unknown tapped intensely, then he grabbed the unknown hand and scolded him

"Listen you a little piece of shit, you..." his sentence was cut off upon realizing that the unknown man was his superior, First General Pandour, he released his grip on the Pandour's hand

"Now now, you're too tense Leutnan General, you should relax because we're just facing against the lesser kingdom"

"Understood General, I'll keep in mind"

First General Pandour then left the command tent with a small laugh. Meanwhile, Adem commented "What a freak", then he continued to plan the invasion of the Sarginum kingdom


Altura Hill

The sound of the warhorn of Sarginumian was shouted, and the Sarginumian army began its offensive against the Lourian army, after the rain of arrows from the Sarginumian position flew toward the Lourian position, they bravely charged toward the Lourian position, unbeknownst to them, they entered the kill zone.

Multiple thunderous noises came from the Lourian position. They had just started a volley behind their palisades, and a line of arquebusiers that had already fired their arquebus began to fall back to reload their arquebuses. They were replaced by the line of other arquebusiers, creating a harmonious symphony of death.

"Our shield can't blo-... Arck"

"Keep pushing forward"

"No, I'm too young to die-... Argck"

Meanwhile in the sky above them, a squadron of a wyvern from the 2nd wyvern corps flying toward the battlefield, one of them is the famous young ace rider, Thanake.

"Let's go partner, let's carve our name in our history" said Thanake, his wyvern let its roar and increased its speed. meanwhile, the other riders chatting to each other about Thanake

"Hey, did you know about that guy" ask one of the riders

The other riders then responded "Ooh Thanake, huh, he's a model boy of the 2nd wyvern corps, I heard that he can use the extreme maneuver to get his kill"

"Whoa really, then he's a hell of a flyboy"

Most of them were talking to each other, suddenly they received a transmission from their magic detection officer

<<Sarginum squadron, 1 selim away>>


The squadron leader then informs his squadron about the enemy position

<<Listen up, those Sarginum riders just 1 selim away, let's show them the strength of the Lourian wyvern corps>>

A loud cheer erupted from the squadron, Thanake glanced at his wyvern, it roared with excitement. A few minutes later, they meet the Sarginum wyvern corps, an inevitable clash turning a well-disciplined formation into a furball of wyverns, it was chaotic. However, there was someone who stood up amongst themselves, boasted his maneuverability with his wyvern

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