Chapter 20: Battle of Leifordia

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Leifordia, Leiford

The tranquil azure skies were tainted by billowing smoke after the full three days of "blitz" that was launched by the Wäldereich destroyed a large portion of Leifordia. The avians who once soared to the skies were replaced by the metallic ones, who terrorized Leiford from the darkness of night to the sea of sky blue. In three days, many people began fleeing from the capital city. Though, there were over thousands that were still trapped due to the three bridges that were jam-packed by waves of civilians that tries to leave the city.

From the balcony of a luxurious mansion that was far away from the capital, a lone figure watched the destruction that the Wäldereich unleashed. His expression showed fear and sadness after realizing that Leiford's capital city was destroyed by the invading forces.

"Impossible, this isn't what I expected"

His eyes suddenly focused on a bunch of larger aircraft. He presumably thought they were the bombers until he saw they dropped several umbrella-like objects slowly descending to the ground. Sweat rolled from his head, knowing that Leiford was already doomed by his choice to wage war against the Wäldereich. He stepped back from his telescope, realizing the foolishness that dragged his beloved country toward the cliff. He expected that the Wäldereich was more or less equal to Leiford, and now the realization hit his mind like a Milishial lightning train. Suddenly, a maid came from the door behind him, carrying news important to his country's survival.

"Master Gaullus, a report from the royal guard that the Wälderian army has set up the beachhead and..."

Gaullus went silent after hearing the news. He was unable to accept the situation that he faced. Supposedly, he could use this moment to gather more support, and now everything he planned fell apart. Suddenly, he covered his mouth and coughed badly, spurting blood on his palm. His maid noticed it and rushed to Gaullus to help him.

She put her palm on Gaullus's chest, "Medica"

A warm and gentle light came from the maid's hand, magically healing the illness that he had, albeit only momentarily before the illness encroached back.

"Master, you shouldn't push yourself. Remember about your illness"

Gaullus breath became calmer as the maid focused her healing on his chest. With his chronic illness that resides on his body wasn't fully healed due to how busy he was. However, it wasn't stopping him.

"There's not much time, call the coachman to prepare my autocarriage"

"Are you leaving, master?" asked the maid.

"No, I'll stay and fight. After all, they're invading our home" answered Gaullus with determination.

The maid nodded and left Gaullus alone, while he returned to watching the capital with his telescope. He had no choice but to visit the largest military garrison in Leiford. He believed that they could hold the enemy movement that encroached on Leifordia.

A few minutes later, his maid rushed toward the balcony, "Master, the autocarriage is ready"

Gaullus immediately left the balcony and went to the autocarriage that waited outside. Before entering his autocarriage, he stopped and turned his face to his maid.

"Take care. Don't let them touch this mansion"

His maid nodded and entered back to the mansion while Gaullus entered his autocarriage and shut the door.

"Where are you going sir?" asked the coachman.

"Fortress of Defiance. Use the eastern route, it's much safer there"

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