Chapter 8: Operation Meteor (Execution phase)

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Conflictum gulf, Quila-Toyne territorial water

The Special Escort Flotilla was already prepared for combat, as they received a transmission from JS Hakugei that the Lourian fleet already left the Jin-Hark and was going northeast, deviating from the Japanese calculation. Still, they can't leave the position to intercept them since that's their secondary objective.

Inside the bridge of JS Hōshō, Admiral Kuro Takasu and his men overlook the deployment of two F-35C that were tasked to bomb Jin-Hark. The liaison of Quila-Toyne, Bruwen is also present to observe how Japan is fighting against Lourian Imperium. He was excited after waiting for a few days to get glimpses of the Japanese military action. The two F-35C were taking off from the catapult of JS Hōshō and flying toward the Jin-Hark

Meanwhile, the two destroyers of the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force, JS Mirai, and JS Yukikaze were located southward of the fleet and began to fire their missiles. Inside the bridge of JS Yukikaze, Ichiro crossed his arms and waited for the next instruction, this was the first time he and others were instructed to launch a direct attack.

Ichiro looked at his watch, the time turned into 20:00, "It's time, launch all Greyhounds"

Both JS Mirai and JS Yukikaze launched their Tomahawk Land Attack Missile. One by one after a few seconds interval, the missile flew toward the Lourian encampment near the border of Quila-Toyne Federation and the Lourian Imperium. Using the Digitized Scene Mapping Area Correlator as the guidance, the missiles were able to track down the targets without the use of the satellite.

Bruwen panicked upon seeing the two Japanese warships engulfed by fire, "Umm Admiral, what happened to those ships?"

Takasu chuckled "Don't worry about that, they're just firing their weapons"

Even after hearing Admiral Takasu's answer, he still felt uneasy about the weapons that Japan has. He thought that the Japanese weaponry was crude and magicless, not suitable for the Quila-Toyne who using the magic as the part of the military doctrine.

In total, there are 8 Tomahawks launched from both JS Mirai and JS Yukikaze. Ichiro sighed with relief after their ship launched the missiles. He knew that this was the first time they use cluster munitions provided by the Americans to load it on their Tomahawks since Japan had already destroyed their cluster munition stockpile in 2009.

Lourian encampment, Lourian Imperium

The quiet night surrounding the Lourian encampment. Most of the Lourian soldiers were sleeping soundly while the others were tasked with guard duty. Some of them were asleep after enduring a sleepless night for a few days. It was still a mystery regarding the mysterious noise that makes both Lourian and Quila-Toyne disturbed.

Inside the command tent, Adem was planning a strategy for the next attack on Gim. Although he was relieved since he didn't hear the strange zooming noise, he felt that his gut was wrenched.

"damnit, why I feel something doesn't seem right" he thought

Suddenly, he heard that zooming sound again. He dismissed it since there was no visible damage from the unknown sounds. Unbeknownst to him, it was his demise as a single Tomahawk penetrated the fabric of his tent and slammed the planning table then exploded, destroying his tent and killing anyone in the blast radius.

The second Tomahawk hit the munition storage, creating a massive explosion that is visible miles away. The third and fourth Tomahawk are hitting the large encampment, killing many Lourian soldiers who were just awake from the first explosion.

New World Superpower (A Fanfic About Summoning Japan/Nihonkoku Shoukan)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon