Chapter 12: Touchdown

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Eastern Battlefleet, Territorial sea of Paganda

A battlefleet consists of two fleet groups Tirpitz Fleet Group from the eastern patrol area and Richthofen Fleet Group from the northern patrol area. Each fleet group consists of a single nuclear-powered carrier, a single nuclear-powered missile cruiser, a nuclear-powered submarine, four destroyers, two non-nuclear missile cruisers, a replenishment oiler, and a multipurpose supply ship. Of course, this battlefleet isn't permanent since they were created to combat against Paganda and possibly, Leiford. As for the home defense, the Wälderian Navy deployed the second line of the naval defense group, with the Zephyr class carrier as the flagship with the older destroyer as the escort.

The battlefleet was escorting the amphibious landing group, consisting of three amphibious assault ships, two missile cruisers, and four destroyers for their escort. This is the first Wäldereich naval landing without any foreign help since their deployment for "humanitarian" missions back in their homeworld. A trial by a blazing wave shall test the Wäldereich ability to project their prowess.

A single Sh-47 was landed on one of the Wäldereich Marine amphibious assault ships. After the Sh-47 touched the deck, it lowered its ramp door. Clovis and his maid disembarked from the helicopter. He was greeted by the captain of the ship who was waiting for him.

"Welcome aboard sir Clovis, Captain Kushmann is ready to serve"

Clovis shakes his hand with Captain Kushmann. He looked around and was fascinated with the ships, "Thank you, captain. So, is this the Wäldereich aircraft carrier?"

Kushmann laughed upon hearing Clovis's question, "No sir, this FMS Brünhildern is an amphibious assault ship,"

Then, two Mkf-18D were launched from the FMS Tirpitz, followed by the other two. Due to the distance between both the carrier and the amphibious assault ship, they can hear the roaring noise of those jet engines. "That one is the carrier, sir Clovis"

Clovis's mouth was agape, fascinated by the sheer size of the carrier. Previously, he only knew the largest carrier was owned by Milishial, a Rodeus class carrier followed by Murin with their Vickher class carrier. Suddenly, Clovis heard a mechanical noise coming from the ships. A strange autogyro-like vehicle emerged from the elevator. The vehicle moved from the elevator to let another vehicle below transfer into the deck.

"Captain, is that a combat autogyro?" asked Clovis

Kushmann glanced at the Kh-50, then a burst of laughter came from his mouth. Clovis was confused about Kushmann's reaction, "Oh gott, sorry. that was a bit funny," He calmed down a moment before explaining it to Clovis, "This Kampfhubschrauber-50 is a helicopter that is licensed from the United Republic of Svetlania," Kushmann inhaled before continuing to define the Kh-50 to Clovis. "However, unlike Svetlania's BV-50 series, this attack "helicopter' is armed with 40 mili... uhh give me a minute please,'' Kusmann pulled out a notebook from his pocket and skimmingly flipped the pages of the notebook. Then he looked straight at Clovis, "Sorry sir, just some hiccup. Now, where was I... oh yeah. Armed with a 1.57 schins grenade launcher mounted on the chin, two racks of 2.75 schins Qualle rocket pods, two racks each containing four 7 schins Anti-Tank missile, with the possible addition of 0.787 schins gun pods and two air-to-air missiles on the wings"

Clovis was puzzled when listening to Kushmann's explanation. He understood the weapon that resembles the rocket since knowledge of rocket weaponry existed for a long time. But, the one that fascinated him more was an anti-tank one, since most of the weapons that were reliable to destroy a tank were artillery, an anti-tank rifle, and high-grade magic. Using the rocket's ridiculous range, they could destroy a tank directly at a longer range.

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