Chapter 3

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It was dead silent.

Only the whirring of wheels from the staff bots could be heard. Some of the staffs were roaming to aid you in guarding the place, while some are cleaning.

You took a deep breath before walking up the escalators which leads to the elevators. You entered one, tapping on the floor's button which you desire to go to as the theme song of the gang played in the elevator ride. The song was catchy, you ended up humming along the tune before a certain 'ding' was heard, and here you are.

Looking around the massive area, lights were slightly dimmed for the night, but it was bright enough for you to turn off your flashlight.

With the tablet in hand, you strapped the device onto the small holder on your belt, a holder for the tablet in case you have your hands occupied. Your flashlight in its own holder on your belt on the other side. It didn't take long to get to Roxy Raceway, having to dodge the staff bots around as to not send off a false alarm. Courtesy is probably not programmed onto them as they'd zoom in front of you, leaving you to wait for them to pass before you can proceed, which is pretty time consuming. By the time you made it to the construction site itself, it was 11:45. The area was just like as you left it, the 'caution' tape still there and a bit loose from when you tugged on it just to get through without breaking it.

You had your flashlight ready as you once again, pass through. Entered the door and darkness engulfed you.

In no time, you turned on the flashlight and whirred it around to shine throughout the surroundings. The metallic stairs that led down in turns and twists of what seems to be in a circle. You were careful, leaving the door open just so you don't accidentally lock yourself for some reason.

You headed down the stairs, being extra careful to not make too much noise that could somehow disrupt whatever that could possibly be here.

Then again, the sound is just creeping you out at times.

Especially, when you're alone in the darkness.

You bit your lip for a moment in nervousness and finally arrived by the cyclone gate which paused your journey before. The gate seemingly not touched ever since then, the same lock in the same position, the same image of 'no Monty' was there.

You placed a hand on your head, grasping around for something in your hair. You found it not long after, a hair pin.

You watched so many movies do this to conclude that it indeed works on old locks at least.

You crouched down and focused on studying the lock before bending the hair pin in a certain angle and attempted to twist and turn the pin.

It took a while but a 'click' made you give a smile before pulling the lock, finally unlocking the said lock.

You pushed the gate open, a creaking noise made itself evident despite the previous silence.

You held your flashlight once again, seeing all sorts of wood planks and stones littered on broken concrete. The construction team must've done this.

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