Chapter 24

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A room... a room? It looked to be a very messy room. Whose room was this? Sun? there's a sun on the walls—it looked to have a balcony at one side, a hole by the other adjacent to it. The limited view given to you by the vision could let you make out of the artificial sun of a prop material from afar, rooms and areas on the other side, what seems to be a secondary floor. At last, just by the lower area, you could make out of what seems to be a ball pit? A play station nearby on the right side.

But then again, the surroundings were not of your concern, rather, it's the room which gave emphasis on your vision.

It was early in the afternoon when you gained a vision in your sleep, a vision that led you to believe that the next part which you're looking for is near that area. Rather, it might be in that specific area to begin with.

The room gave you an idea that Sundrop was there, a room which was on the upper wall-area where he first jumps off on, the place where he stays or hides whenever he wants to. Yes, the room which Sun and Moondrop stays at.

The next animatronic part must be there!

But then again, where was the door to the place, to be frank? You can't expect yourself to leap up to that room without Sun questioning if you've gone mad, right?

Well, wrong.

Following that vision came four photos that flashed in your mind; Mermaid Chica, Captain Foxy, and Crew Staff Bonnie and Pirate Freddy. On the latter part, gave you a premonition of what looked to be the Fazcam which you hid along with the Fazer Blaster in your locker by the security office. These offices are exclusive to security, and upon commands and protocols, animatronics is not allowed here without system consented by the higher ups. Of course, not even Freddy would be dumb enough to come here, searching and rummaging around if he wanted.

Then again, the security office was relevantly dirty. Somehow, the greenrooms of the animatronics—spare from Monty's- were much cleaner than this office. Now, it gave you a sudden thought, if the Glamrocks are much more organized and cleaner than humans in terms of their habitats or areas of work. Then again, numerous security guards come and goes here, what gives you the right to think of them of such then? Especially, when some were not the best in terms of self-management.

You felt guilty for that.

Nonetheless, you released a sigh for a moment after arriving in front of the animatronic's greenroom, Freddy's to be exact. You entered his greenroom, knowing full well that he's probably still charging by then. It was really silent; it gave you an eerie feeling. Nonetheless, you proceeded to the back area of the room, it was dark, you had to use your flashlight to see around your surroundings.

It was a brief moment, but you soon found yourself looking over at Freddy's physical features from behind the charging station. His orange-themed figure blending lightly against the light reflected by the charging station, his eyes closed and head tilted down slightly, his gaze lowered than yours.

Nothing But A Stranger {Glamrock Freddy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now