Chapter 16

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The morning shift was plain, nothing was of Freddy's utmost interest. He could act, he could provide genuine enjoyment to kids and grown-ups alike, but his most objective interest which he looks forward to, is the night time where you were under his supervising eyes. The night where he finally decides to use deceit against you, the night where he finally decides to see for himself if such suspicion is true and under plausible circumstances.

He made sure to keep his batteries full at all times, just so nothing gets in the way of his little investigation for the night, to charge an hour early, to keep himself active throughout the night.

He watched as employees and customers exited the facility, some with smiles of joy, some with frowns of fatigue.

He hasn't seen you yet, although, he is sure that you're probably watching him by the security office, where the cameras are set to see overhead of almost everything occurring in the area. He stayed put and headed back to his greenroom, as it was a routine that he was used to do.

There, he entered his charging station, but he didn't enter rest mode, for now, he has other agendas than to do his nightly routine.


The clock reaches a few minutes before midnight, the area completely deserted by that time. You no longer see Vanessa entering the area, as she is accustomed to come to work early and hide away in her areas of her duty. Earlier this afternoon, you had another dream, the same raspy voice praised you for your previous work, and the next night shall commence on your next task.

Glamrock Bonnie's left leg, the counterpart of the first. Where is it located? A storage room near Gator Golf, accessible from what seemed to be catwalks. You remembered seeing the vent in Mazercise leading to Gator Golf catwalks, but isn't that vent already sealed off? Not sure, but then again, knowing the company, they may have failed to secure the vents properly. Either way, with your resources, you can find a way to remove the vent hatch one way or another.

Before you begin, you saw two boxes by the security office, two of which you don't remember seeing the night before. A card was sticked onto one of the boxes, you gingerly took the card in your hands to read what was written.

Dear (Y/N),

You might need these; they are known to stun the animatronics. In case you get into trouble, but use them limitedly. They won't know what happened after the stun period, aim for the eyes.


You hummed for a moment before opening the boxes, inside one was a Fazer Blaster, the other is a Fazcam. You could faintly recall the instruction near Fazer Blast Arena, that the UV light from these devices can cause an animatronic to briefly malfunction due to their lenses blurring and their sensors being jammed.

Perhaps, Vanessa thought you'd be in trouble? After all, Freddy is always around, watching you, perhaps, you can use the Fazcam at the annoying staff bots and endoskeletons? Just so you don't get caught that easy.

Nothing But A Stranger {Glamrock Freddy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now