Chapter 2

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Alison woke with a pounding headache. Why did she do this to herself? Jack Daniels was most certainly not her friend. She looked around for the first time since she awoke, she was in her and Emily's shared bathroom laying on the tile floor. She was still in her clothes from the birthday party, so she figured that it would be best for everyone if she showered. She slowly stripped, her head throbbing with every move she made. She finally got herself positioned under the scalding spray, and she let herself just simmer. As the hot water continued to roll down her body, the memories of the previous day came crashing in. She remembers their argument, storming out, drinking and losing control. The last memory makes her want to throw up, and not because of her hangover. She hated herself for being weak. She supposes her mother is laughing at her from her grave, knowing that her youngest daughter has potentially destroyed the best thing to happen to her. But, she shakes it off. She cannot look the least bit of guilty. Emily will read her like a book. She steps out of the shower and moves to the bedroom to dress slowly. She's nervous about confronting her girlfriend. She's been so honest and open with the girl for years, and having to result back to lies and secrets just kills her. As she makes her way out of the bedroom she's instantly met with the smell of French toast and fresh coffee. She smiles warmly at the taller girl, love and guilt burning equally in her heart. Emily turns her head and catches the blonde gazing at her.

"Good morning, pukey." She greets teasing the blonde beauty. "I'm glad you showered. It was starting to smell pretty gnarly in there." She laughed as she turned her back towards the stove. Alison smiled at the goofy chemistry teacher, who was an excellent french toast maker. The blonde wrapped her arms around the brunette from behind and buried her nose into the taller girl's neck. She inhaled greedily, before pressing a kiss behind her earlobe. Ali smiled as she felt Emily shiver beneath her touch. Alison tightened her hold in her girlfriend before offering up a genuine apology.

"I'm sorry, baby."

"Its fine, Ali-"

"No." The blonde stated firmly, "its not okay. I said some pretty nasty things last night. And I'm ashamed for hurting you."

"I know you're sorry, baby." Emily cooed gently. "But you've got to stop leaving. When you leave nothing ever gets resolved."

"I know," the blonde admitted softly. "I'm just afraid that one day, you'll realize that I'm the same old bitch from high school. And you'll leave me."

"I love you." Emily stated firmly. "Hell, I loved you when you were that bitch from high school. And don't sell yourself short. You've changed. I've changed. And we're better for it. I trust you completely with my heart."

The blonde buried her head deeper into Emily's neck, afraid that the guilt would eat her up.

"I love you." Alison replied softly as she turned Emily around to face her.

"And I love you." The brunette' eyes shone with love as she leaned down to kiss her lover. Alison sighed into the kiss, savoring every moment of it. The duo ate their breakfast engaging in small talk throughout. Emily was teaching her kids a new experiment involving hydrochloric acid that she was super excited about. Ali chimed in about how Hanna was pressuring her into remodeling the dressing rooms, which were redone three years ago. The two easily cleaned up the kitchen and decided that because of Alison's hungover state, a snuggly Sunday was how they were going to spend the rest of the day. Ali flopped down on the couch first, easing the brunette into her. Despite popular belief, Emily loved being the little spoon. They settled into each other as if their bodies were designed to fit as one. Emily controlled the remote, lazily flipping through channels, while Alison's hand lazily drug through thick brunette locks. Emily settled on a rerun of the Big Bang Theory, while the couple settled into a comfortable silence. After some time, Emily's voice finally brought Alison back to reality.

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