Chapter 3

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Eight Weeks Later

What. The. Fuck. Ali was so miserable it was unreal. She was currently emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet, cursing herself for volunteering to help out in Zoe's day care class.

Two Weeks prior...

The five Liars sat inside the Grille on a Sunday afternoon, eagerly awaiting time with the whole group. It was very rare to find all of them at one place at the same time, unless it was a holiday or special occasion. So when they all learned that they would be free at the same time, they decided to take advantage of the situation.

"Look at us." Hanna beamed proudly, "Eating Lunch together like we're in high school again." Alison smirked from her seat. They were sitting in the exact same positions as they did in high school. Emily next to Alison while Aria and Hanna sat across from them. And Spencer sat at the head of the table like the royalty she aspired to be.

"Hanna, we eat together all the time." Aria reminded her softly.

"Yeah, but not all of us. Alone." Hanna responded.

"I'm glad we could do this. I miss you guys." Emily responded earning herself a sweet smile from the rest of the table.

"We miss you too, Em." Spencer replied as she laid a hand on the tanned girl's shoulder. "Too bad Ali has been hogging you." Spencer shot a glance at the blonde.

"I do not!" Alison shot back with mock offense. "You totally do!" Hanna shot back defending Spencer. "You're a professional Emily hog!" Alison had nothing to say to defend herself. The fact of the matter was, that she had been keeping her girlfriend to herself. Every time she was alone, her thoughts started to eat at her. The amount of paranoia she felt when she was not with Emily was unbelievable. She had a constant fear that her one night stand would seek out her girlfriend and spill her secret. Or that somehow her secret would be told to the brunette in the cruelest way. So, to ease her nerves whenever they both were free Alison kept herself glued to her girlfriend. So, yeah she was guilty of Emily hogging. But it was completely necessary.

"So, what?" Ali asked defensively. "I've been needy lately. I like keeping her to myself. You guys know that."

"Yes, Ali. You're possessive. But you have no reason to be jealous. We're not trying to steal her from you." Spencer added.

"Well. There was that one time, with Hanna." Alison added childishly. Emily raised her eyebrow at her girlfriend in disbelief.

"Ali. You and everyone else at this table know that Emily will forever be my girl crush. There's nothing you can do about it." Hanna added nonchalantly. Alison pouted. Hanna was right, Emily had always been extremely close to her blonde business partner. She was slightly jealous that she wasn't the only blonde in the swim coach's life.

"Whatever." Alison relented as she reached under the table and placed her hand firmly on Emily's thigh possessively.

"So, Aria is the morning sickness any better?" Emily asks desperately trying to change the subject.

"Unfortunately, no." Aria answered "And my cravings have started to get more intense."

"Like what?" Spencer asked genuinely curious. "At first, my sweet tooth was insane. I had to have some type of candy with me at all time. And after that sort of died down, I need to have beef. Like all the time. I think you're right, Em. This has to be a boy with all of the red meat I've consumed."

"I told you not to doubt the genie, Aria." Hanna chimed. Soon after, the waiter came by to take their orders. Emily went with the Caesar salad, Hanna ordered the Chinese chicken salad Spencer ordered her usual grilled cheese sandwich. Aria, true to her cravings ordered a double bacon cheeseburger, with a steak to take home for later. And Ali, to everyone's bewilderment ordered an egg salad sandwich with two hard boiled eggs on the side.

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