Chapter 8

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Emily sighed as she stepped through the threshold of the Rivers household. She had definitely been on one of the worst dates ever. Stephanie was a sweetheart, she was and Emily admired the love she had for her daycare kids. Its just every time they started talking about regular, first date topics Emily's mind would drift off and remember the dates she had with Alison and the conversations they shared. She was totally in another world the entire time, and it wasn't fair to Stephanie. So, Emily had awkwardly ended the date after the first cup of coffee. When Stephanie tried to give her a goodbye kiss she not so subtly turned her head. She felt terrible, this girl had genuinely showed an interest in her but she was too hung up on her ex to give her a chance.

"Hey, Em! How was your date with Miss Teacher-Lady?" Hanna asked as she was stirring something on the stove.

"Terrible." Emily answered shortly.

"Why? I thought you said she was into you?"

"She was, I just wasn't as into her as I thought I was." Emily said quietly.

"Em." Hanna whined. "You didn't even give her a chance!"

"There's no point, Hanna." Emily argued. "I'm supposed to be with Alison. It doesn't make sense to deny it."

"Are you sure about this, Em? I don't want you to just run back to her because you had a bad date." Hanna questioned.

"I'm sure, Han. I've been thinking about this for weeks now. I think my date solidified it." Emily assured.

"So you want her back?"

"She's my Alison. She's always been mine." Emily breathed out, a weight being lifted off of her chest.

"Just be careful, Em. I support you, I just don't want you to get hurt again." Hanna asked concerned.

"With Ali, my heart has always been at risk." Emily said softly. "But being with her is so worth it." Hanna contemplated her best friend's words before asking the question that hung between them.

"What about the baby?"

Emily sighed. The baby made everything more complicated. She wanted to be a mother, she did and she wanted to parent a child with Ali more than anything.

"I, uh I want to be there for her. In anyway she wants me to be. As a parent, or as anything she wants me to be."

Hanna wiped away a stray tear, her friend was such a sweetheart.

"When are you going to tell her?" Hanna questioned a little overcome with emotion.

"Is she still coming over for Thanksgiving?" Emily questioned.

"I think so."

"That's where I'll do it." Emily smiled.

"She doesn't deserve you, ya know."

"Maybe not, but its always been her. Even when she was "dead" it was her." Emily sighed.

"You're such a romantic, Fields."

"I try, Marin. I try."

Alison sighed as she flipped through the channels on her television. It was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and she had absolutely nothing to do. The store would be closed until Monday, and she was bored out of her mind. She contemplated calling one of her friends and begging them to entertain her, but there was a risk that Emily would be there. She had decided that the only way she was going to get over the brunette goddess was if she isolated herself from her for awhile. She hated that she had given up, but it was for the best. Alison reached her hand into the bag of chips and grabbed a handful and stuffed it in her mouth. Who cares if she was having a self induced pity party? It was a free country. As she was lifting another handful of chips in her mouth her phone buzzes beside her.

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