Chapter 4

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"You've reached Emily Fields, I'm sorry I missed your call. But I promise I'll return it as soon as I can!" Beeeep.

Alison sighed as she hung up her phone for the thousandth time. She had no reason to be depressed. This pain was self inflicted. But, she couldn't help calling Emily's phone just to hear her voice for ten seconds. She was torturing herself, but it was the sweetest kind of pain. Alison tossed her phone to the side. She had never felt as terrible as she did at this current moment. She wanted Emily, no she needed her but she knew it would probably be awhile before she was face to face with the raven haired beauty. She had really screwed up this time. Alison picked up her phone and began to scroll through pictures of Emily, she began to daydream about the girl when she was interrupted by obnoxious knocking at her door.

"Alison! Open up!" She heard Spencer yell through the door. "We know you're in there!"

"Go away!" She yelled back. She didn't want her self loathing party to be interrupted.

"Alison. We're worried about you." She heard Aria's soft voice call through the door. "We haven't heard from you in almost a week. And Emily is so upset she's not speaking to anybody but Zoe."

"Come on, Ali." Spencer sighed "We just want an explanation."

Suddenly, there was the unmistakable sound of a key entering a lock. A few seconds later, Spencer and Aria came barreling through the door. Ali lay sprawled on the couch phone clutched to her chest. The Notebook was playing softly in the background and the entire apartment smelt like eggs.

"Ali. Please talk to us." Aria cooed. "We know something happened. Just fill us in so we can figure out how to help."

"Hanna says you haven't been to work in a week. What's going on?"

"I can't face Hanna, I know she hates me." Ali confessed.

"You must've done something bad." Spencer commented. She knew Hanna was fiercely protective of Emily and if Hanna hated her something terrible happened.

"Start with happened last week. Why did Emily leave?" Aria prompted. Last week. God, that night was the worst night of her life. However, she couldn't help replaying the scene over and over again.

"I had just gotten out of the shower.."

Alison stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her midsection. That shower had felt amazing, and now all she wanted to do was eat some pizza, cuddle up with her girl and watch tonight's episode of Scandal. She dressed leisurely and made her way out to the kitchen. Maybe a fried egg would taste good on pepperoni. Yeah she was going to try that. As she entered the kitchen she was met with a sight that she hadn't witnessed in almost ten years. Emily was sitting at the table eyes, cold and hard. Her brown orbs were distant, staring at the wall clearly deep in thought. She didn't even realize that Alison had entered the room. Ali had only seen this look in her eyes once before, when Emily "broke up" with her after she "identified" Cyrus. But this time, her stare was much more intense than it had been back then. And that thought alone scared the crap out of her.

"Em?" She called tentatively. Emily looked up and glanced at Alison for about two seconds. The lack of emotion set a chill down her spine.

"The doctor called," Emily began. "But I think they made a mistake. They must've had an accident in the lab, or mixed up the results. Because there is no way in hell my girlfriend could be pregnant."

Alison's heart dropped straight to her stomach. Pregnant. Medically, it explained everything perfectly. Her fatigue, nausea and the unexplainable cravings for eggs. But she was on the pill. Even though she was in a monogamous relationship with a woman, she didn't like dealing with the hassles of periods. Emily didn't either. So they were both on birth control. Even though birth control wasn't 100% effective, it shouldn't have been that easy to get pregnant.

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