Chapter 9

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Alison sat behind the register of the boutique tapping a pen impatiently. She was incredibly nervous, Emily's plane was going to be landing in a mere seven hours and she was going to finally express her feelings to the brunette beauty. These last three days had been torture, her mind wandering to Emily whenever she was alone. The girls forced her into silence, making her brew in her own thoughts. She had been conjuring up scenarios, trying to imagine how Emily was going to react to her confession. Was she going to accept her back with open arms like Alison had hoped? Or reject her, sweetly telling her she was too late. She didn't know the outcome, but the girls have been hinting that Emily shares the same feelings as her, so she tried to remain optimistic. She glanced up at the clock, it was barely noon Emily's flight was supposed to come in at seven. If everything went well at the airport, she planned to whisk Emily away and take her to dinner at the little French place that she loved. It was going to be an amazing night, and hopefully she could start over with Emily and they could begin the rest of their lives. Together. Alison was getting lost in her thoughts when a jolt of pain broke her out of her dream like state. Alison's hand gripped the counter in pain, a cramp-like feeling ripped through her body. These pains have been occurring ever since she woke up this morning. Each hour becoming more painful. The pains were a little out of the ordinary, but she blamed it on the nerves of finally seeing Emily after all this time. As the pain passed she panted, trying to regain her composure. Hanna walked to the front of the store with a box of merchandise in her hand. She eyed the blonde warily and raised her eyebrow in concern.

"Are you okay?" Hanna asked. "You're looking a little flushed. Maybe you should rest, I'll pick up Em from the airport."

"No!" Alison interjected. "I'm gonna pick her up, I'm fine. Hanna, I promise." Hanna looked at her friend nervously. She was pale, sweating and she looked quite flushed. But, she knew how important meeting Emily was to Ali. And she might be a little apprehensive about their reunion, but she knew they made each other happy.

"Okay, Ali. Just promise me you'll call if something is wrong."

"I promise, Hanna." Alison replied sincerely.

"Okay." The shorter blonde agreed. "Just take the rest of the day off, okay? You've got a long night ahead of you and you need the rest."

Alison was about to disagree when she realized how good a nice nap and warm bath would do her.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Sabrina is here. We can handle it." Hanna assured. Alison looked at her friend gratefully and decided that she was right. She's been feeling drained lately and she definitely didn't want to be tired tonight. Alison gathered her things and headed home. She had six and a half hours until she got to see Emily again. And she needed to be at her best.

Emily sat in the terminal of the Dallas International airport. She had a sweet holiday with her parents, and she was a little sad to leave them. She missed her parents, and living so far from them had never really had this much of an effect on her. Because she had Ali. Whenever she felt the slightest twinge of homesickness, or if she was worried about her Dad Alison would be there to hold her tight, and whisper sweet nothings in her ear to make her feel better. She sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. But she didn't have Alison anymore, and she didn't know if she would ever have her again. She pulled out her phone and dialed the number she knew by heart. The line rang a couple times until the person she was trying to reach answered.

"Em!" Aria greeted "When's your flight?"

"It leaves in about an hour." Emily replied. "I just called to see if you could pick me up at the airport? I really don't wanna catch a cab."

"Yeah, one of us will be there. Are you gonna be in Philly?"

"Yeah," Emily replied. "I'm at gate 13."

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