Chapter 7

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"Spencer, you cannot paint this room nthat shade of green. Its a total eyesore."

"Hanna, its a perfectly fine shade of green. Its a calming color."

"Ali, please tell her that she's insane." Hanna argued. Alison studied the decor of the room carefully. "It is a calming color," She began. "But it also kind of reminds me of puke." Hanna chuckled while Spencer rolled her eyes, annoyed.

"You two are worse than Aria and Em." Spencer sighed.

"Really?" Hanna questioned "Aria is artsy."

"She can draw, but she can't coordinate color schemes for the life of her." Spencer teased.

"I think this room should be a dark purple." Alison added. "Green is too boring."

Spencer contemplated Ali's thought for a moment.

"No, I want it green." She decided.

Alison rolled her eyes. Why did Spencer ask them to help if she was not open to suggestions? It puzzled her about how complicated that girl was.

"Well are we done?" Alison asked impatiently.

"I guess." Spencer answered. "Where do you have to go?"

"I'm meeting Em for coffee."

Hanna and Spencer turned to face her with questioning looks on their faces.

"Umm, excuse me?" Hanna asked

"We're. Going. To. Coffee." Alison stated slowly. "You know, the brown caffeinated drink that everyone is addicted to?"

"We know what coffee is, Ali." Hanna stated dryly.

"Its just, why are you and Emily going on a coffee date?" Spencer added.

"Its not a date." Alison argued. "I just want to spend time with her, that's all."

"So, you wouldn't mind if I tagged along?" Hanna asked with a smirk.

Alison narrowed her eyes at her blonde friend. Of course she would mind. She savored all the alone time she had with Emily, which was not very abundant these days.

"I don't really have that much alone time with Em.." Alison trailed off.

"Alison. You have to stop. You can't keep torturing yourself like this." Spencer declared.

"What do you mean?" Alison shot back.

"You can't keep chasing someone who doesn't want you." Spencer said softly. "You broke her, Ali. Numerous times. You can't expect her to just fall back into your arms."

"Well what do you want me to do?" Alison hissed, becoming angry. "Stand by and idly watch as she falls in love with another woman?" Alison's voice broke with emotion. She could not stand the thought of Emily with someone else. "I will never stop trying. She's the love of my life."

"Ali," Hanna began softly "I know she's the love of your life. And you're hers." Alison smiled at the confession. "But you guys aren't together. Not anymore, and I'm not sure you'll ever be together again. She's broken and you're broken, you can't be whole together unless you fix yourselves first."

"And I know Emily is a huge part of your life, but you've got something coming that's more important than the both of you." Spencer pointed out. "You're going to be a Mom, Alison. You need to realize that."

"Don't talk to me like I'm a child." Alison replied. "I know! I know Emily probably hates me. I know that I'm going to be a mother, I do. But I can't just give up! She's my dream! She's all I've ever wanted and I can't just roll over and let her go. I just can't." Alison finished with a tear rolling down her cheek. "I have to go, I'm going to be late." Alison exited quickly, making her way towards her car. She wasn't going to give up. Although everyone doubted her, she was going to prevail. She had to.

Baby MamaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora