Chapter 11

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Alison walked into the front door of her beloved boutique. She hadn't been to work in over two weeks, and she needed to go back. She was tired of feeling bad for herself and wallowing in her own pity. She had come to the conclusion that even if she wanted it to end up differently, everything happens for a reason. And she can't go back in time and make sure anything turned out differently, it was just impossible.

"Ali?" Hanna asked worriedly as she walked through the door. "I didn't know you were coming in today?"

"You've been in charge for too long, Marin." Alison joked. "I was afraid that you might have burned down the place."

Hanna raised her eyebrow and smirked at her friend. She was relieved that Alison was in her teasing mode again, she was on the right track to becoming her old self again. This made the blonde happy.

"Pssh, we've been doing great without you Ali." Hanna teased right back. "Sales have gone up by 4%, I think it was because customers weren't greeted by your ugly mug."

Alison let out a genuine laugh and smiled at her friend. She was so thankful for Hanna, the blonde had no idea what their friendship meant to her.

"How have you been, Han?" Alison asked in a more serious tone. Even though the blonde duo had been living together, they hadn't communicated much in the last two weeks.

"I'm doing okay," Hanna began. "Missing Em a little though."

Alison looked down after Hanna uttered her confession. She knew it was her fault that Emily hadn't been around as much as Hanna wanted her to be. The two of them went from living together, to barely speaking the last two weeks. She knew how much it was killing the blonde, and she wanted to fix it, she needed to fix it. For Hanna, and for herself.

"I'm sorry, Han." Alison apologized. "I'm going to make it right, and soon."

"There's no need to rush into anything you're not ready for." Hanna reminded her gently.

"I know, I'm ready Han." Alison declared. "I'm more than ready."

These past two weeks, Alison had thought more about her relationship with Emily. She had come to the realizations that even though these last months have been nothing but pure hell, she wouldn't want to go through hell with anyone else besides Emily. And she missed her; she missed her warm smile, her sweet laugh, her soft lips and her gentle touch. God, she missed Emily so much that sometimes it drove her insane.

"I hope you're right, Ali." Hanna replied. "Alright, you slacker. You've played hooky enough. Let's get to work." Hanna playfully chastised as she made her way towards the back room of the store. Alison laughed as she followed her friend. She hoped that she was right as well.

"Okay, guys this study guide will tell you all that you need to know for the final." Emily explained as she handed out a packet of papers to her class.

"What if we don't take the final?" A student asked from the back of the classroom.

"Then you can count on retaking this class next year." Emily replied. "But you better study hard, Brian. You've already been with me for two years. I think you're running out of time, don't you think?" This comment earned a snicker from her class.

"I know I won't see you again until test day, but I expect you to know the material. There will be no questions on the day of the test, so if you have any questions ask them now."

"What chapters of the book should we study?"

"That's a great question, chapters 1-7 with an emphasis on the formulas. Anyone else?" As Emily ended her sentence the bell rang and the students started to exit the classroom.

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