Chapter 14

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"Ali, he's fine." Emily assured as she pulled out of her parking space.

"It's cold out, I think he needs another layer of clothes." Ali responded as she dug through the diaper bag. "We need to go back."

"He already has two, plus extra blankets. He's fine." Emily commented as she started on the familiar road.

"But-" The blonde protested.

"I promise he's fine. He's a baby, but he's not that fragile." Emily laughed as she turned onto her best friend's street.

"He's only four months old, Em. He's not indestructible either." Alison argued.

"He's a healthy, normal four month old, Ali. He can handle a couple hours outside, for his cousin's birthday party." Emily replied as she pulled up to their destination. She put the car in park and turned off the ignition before she turned to look at the blonde.

"I know you're nervous because this is his first time out, but I promise he'll be fine." Emily comforted the nervous blonde with a soft kiss.

"I know he'll be okay, he's just my little perfect thing. I don't know if I want to share him yet." Alison confessed as she played with her hands nervously.

"He'll always be your perfect little thing, Ali." Emily assured. "But don't you want to show the world how perfect that he is, too?"

Alison looked at the brunette and smiled. Of course she wanted to show off her family to the world, it was her greatest accomplishment.

"I love you, Em." Alison smiled as she cupped the tan girl's cheek.

"I love you too, babe. But we better get going. Zoe's is going to be upset if we're late."

The two shared one last sweet kiss before exiting the vehicle. Alison went to the back seat to retrieve the gifts while Emily lifted their son out of the car.

"Hey, buddy." Emily cooed to the baby as he slept. "Have a good ride?"

The little family walked up to the backyard where the party was in full swing. Zoe Rivers' sixth birthday party was the talk of her 1st grade class. Every single first grader was invited, along with her ballet class, and swim team. There were kids everywhere, Emily couldn't even find her niece. All of the commotion startled the baby in his car seat, soft cries alerted Alison who was still holding Zoe's presents.

"I'll meet you inside." Emily promised as she headed towards the house.

Emily sat the car seat on the counter and expertly unbuckled the baby and lifted him from his seat.

"You're okay, buddy. Its just your noisy cousin and her friends." Emily cooed as she held her son against her chest. "You're okay."

After a few moments the baby settled down and began to coo happily.

"Hand him over."

Emily turned to see her three best friends, Hanna standing with her arms outstretched. Emily rolled her eyes playfully but handed the blonde her god son anyways.

"He's gotten so big," Spencer cooed. "He's four months now?" She questioned.

"He turned four months last week." Emily beamed proudly. "Where's Ellie?"

"She's in Hanna's room, napping." Spencer replied as she made silly faces at the baby in Hanna's arms. Spencer and Toby had a hard time conceiving a child, which took a huge toll on their relationship. This was a tough time for Spencer, she struggled for years, eventually giving up the idea of having a baby. Until about a year ago, when Ali took Spencer with her to the Fertilization Specialist. When Emily and Alison decided to have a child, Alison refused to use her own eggs. The fear of mismatched genes taking making her fear another miscarriage. So, the fertilization specialists extracted Emily's eggs, fertilized them with a sperm donor that looked almost identical to Alison and implanted them into Alison's uterus. Spencer had gone through a similar process, Sabrina, Alison and Hanna's first employee agreeing to be a surrogate for her bosses' friends. Little Ellie was born a few weeks before Alison gave birth.

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