Chapter 12

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Spending Christmas in Texas was not as bad as Emily originally anticipated. Besides her mother's endless questions, her father's awkward attempts at changing the subject and the fact that she was severely missing Rosewood; it wasn't that bad. She was currently sitting in her father's recliner, with a mug of hot cocoa on her lap. Her parents were cuddled together on the love seat, whispering quietly while trying to keep their eyes on the screen. It's a Wonderful Life was currently playing on the screen and Emily couldn't help but feel lonely. She was surrounded by the people that were supposed to make her feel the most at home, but she couldn't help but feel like an outsider. Her parents had built themselves a sweet, comfortable life and although she would always be their baby, she didn't belong with them anymore. She belonged in Rosewood, with her friends, with her family. She had only been in Texas for a total of three days and she longed for the little things. She would do anything to hear Aria's laugh, have a heart to heart with Spencer, watch countless reruns with Hanna or see Ali's smile. Emily chuckled quietly to herself, she was so glad that she decided not to move she couldn't imagine her life without those four girls that have been her everything for over a decade. Emily wrapped her blanket tighter around her body, she had three more days with her parents, and then she would be returning back home. Back to her girls. The movie is coming to an end, as George Bailey is running through town rejoicing because he is alive, there is an incessant pounding at the door. Emily's father looked towards the door curiously, it was 10pm on Christmas day. Who could possibly be at the door? He walked over to the door, and peeked his head outside. Emily heard quiet murmurings, but didn't pay attention to the conversation. It was probably some charity soliciting money for the homeless or something or the other. Emily pulled out her phone and checked her messages. All of the girls had sent her a 'Merry Christmas' message. Hanna's came along with a picture of Zoe with her favorite Christmas present, a two month old golden retriever puppy that Emily had ordered from the finest kettle in Pennsylvania. Emily had been trying to convince Hanna and Caleb that they could handle a dog for months. Caleb was all for it, but Hanna was a tad bit harder to convince. She did not want to take on the responsibility of caring for an animal, but she eventually caved. The puppy was supposed to be delivered on Christmas morning, and according to the picture the plan went smoothly. As Emily was gazing at the picture, her father came up to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Em," he began, "there's someone at the door for you."

Emily got up and made her towards the door. Who could be at her parent's door step wanting her on Christmas day? She approached the door, she took a deep breath. There was only one person that she hoped was on the other side of the door. But the probability that her wish would come true was highly unlikely. She pulled slowly on the handle, the barrier between herself and the unknown visitor slowly swinging open. As she came face to face with the other person, she let out a breath of utmost relief.

"Alison, are you sure that you want to do this?" Hanna asked worriedly as the taller blonde began loading her car with various supplies. "I mean, tomorrow is Christmas Eve you shouldn't be going on a road trip to Texas right now. Especially by yourself."

"You're right." Alison agreed as she finished putting the last bag into the car. She closed the trunk with a soft thud. "I should have left hours ago, after we had coffee. If I'm lucky, I'll get there before Christmas day is over."

"Emily is coming back, Ali." Spencer reminder her as she held onto an upset Aria. The pregnant brunette was still emotionally unstable, and she felt a little guilty for blabbing Emily's secret.

"I know," Alison assured as she made her way towards her friends. "I've made some pretty bad mistakes these past few months. I've messed up so badly and I have kept Emily at bay for long enough. I already think that I might be too late, but I can't sit here and wait for her to come back. I need to go to her, before I lose her forever."

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