Chapter 13

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Emily gently pulled her lips away from Alison's with a sigh. Although she did miss the blonde terribly, she didn't want the moment to be ruined by one of her parents walking outside. Alison reached up for one more peck, and she wrapped her arms tightly around Emily's shoulders.

"I've missed you so much." The blonde whispered as she buried her nose into Emily's neck.

"I've missed you, too." Emily breathed back, as her hands rubbed small circles on Alison's lower back. "But it's freezing out here, let's go inside."

Alison loosened her grip on Emily's shoulders; she slid her hands down the tanned girl's arms and linked their fingers together. Emily smiled at the gesture and led her inside. When they walked through the front door, Emily noticed that the television was switched off and her parents were nowhere to be found. She guessed that they went upstairs to give the pair some privacy, Emily had her Dad to thank for that.

"Are you hungry?" Emily asked absently as she pulled Alison forward by their joined digits.

"I'm okay," Ali replied "Just tired."

"I bet. Although it was really sweet, driving here from Rosewood is kind of crazy. And dangerous." Emily chastised.

"Well I had to get to you." Alison replied. "Before you did something crazy like move 2,000 miles away."

"Just a little FYI, I was never going to move." Emily said smugly.

"That's not what Aria said." Alison replied as Emily started to pull them up the stairs.

"Oh, yeah?" Emily replies as she continues to climb. "So you drove 2,000 miles in less than 24 hours because of something nine months pregnant crazy hormonal Aria said to you?"

Alison tugs on their joined hands and pulls them to a stop.

"I couldn't risk it." Alison whispered in a silky sweet voice. "And I really needed to see you. And yeah, maybe a plane would have been a smarter choice, but love makes you do some crazy things sometimes."

"You've never been one for reason." Emily whispered back.

"You're the only reason I need. For everything I do." Alison replied as she rose up on her tip toes to reach Emily who resided on the stair above her. Their lips meet sweetly as both women trying to make up for lost time. The kiss ended soon after it began, both women knowing that one of Emily's parents could walk by at anytime. The two started to make their way up the stairs again before Alison pulled them to a stop once again.

"One more thing, Em." She said as she reached up with her free hand and pinched the brunette's arm.

"Ow!" Emily yelped. "What was that for?"

"Hanna wanted me to give that to you." Alison replied smugly as she stared to lead the brunette up the stairs.

"I'm going to get you back for that." Emily pouted.

"Don't be mad, babe. It was Hanna, not me." Alison replied sweetly. "Let's go to bed."

The couple walked into Emily's room, hands still locked. Emily who was already in her pajamas led Alison to her closet.

"I'm guessing you didn't bring any clothes." Emily guessed as she let go of her girlfriend's hand.

"I brought a bag... But it's in the car, and Aria packed it while I was fueling up so I have no idea what is in there." Alison admitted.

Emily laughed as she handed Alison one of her T-shirts and work out shorts to sleep in. As the blonde got dressed, Emily climbed into bed. Moments later, the light was shut out and the bed dipped. Emily rolled over and swung her arm over Alison's abdomen. Alison tangled their legs together before resting her arm on top of Emily's.

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