Chapter 5

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"Okay, guys your lab analysis is due first thing Monday." Emily lectured her class as the packed up, the hour coming to a close. "Especially, you Torres. That dog ate my homework excuse is literally 50 years old."

"Ms. Fields you know you love me." The sixteen year old boy flirted.

"Yeah, about as much as noble gases like reacting with other elements." Emily joked as the whole class went silent.

"Really? Have I taught you nothing?" Emily was again met with silence. Just as she was about to scold her students the bell rang, saving them from a lecture. Emily sighed as she started erasing the lesson of the day. This year's class was having an extremely hard time grasping the material. Sometimes she felt that her own personal issues were preventing her from teaching these kids properly. But her doubt was washed away when Aria admitted she was experiencing the same problem. Speaking of Aria, she was supposed to be meeting her for lunch soon. She finished cleaning the board and grabbed her lunch and phone and made her way towards Aria's classroom. She entered quietly and sat herself down on one of the desks. Aria was currently discussing a grade that she had given.

"Mrs. Fitz, I cited my sources! You cannot give me an F!" The student argued.

"You cannot copy and paste someone's entire essay and merely give them credit for it at the end. You put none of your own opinions or analysis in 'your' paper. So, the grade stands."

"That's so unfair! You never said we couldn't do it."

"I wrongfully thought students your age possess common sense. Now, go. Before I get you suspended for plagiarism." Aria dismissed the cheating student. The student rolled his eyes and left with a huff, clearly annoyed with his teacher.

"Kids these days think I'm stupid. Me? I can't believe it." Aria sighed.

"No kidding. My 3rd period class couldn't even come up with any answers that sounded remotely scientific." Emily sighed as she took a sip of water.

"Why did we become teachers?" Aria groaned as she started the cut into a ribeye steak.

"We wanted to help mold the leaders of tomorrow." Emily scoffed. "How did you get that?"

"I sent my Teacher's Assistant."

"Wow. My TA is totally lazy. She grades like 10 papers in an hour." Emily complained.

"I love Leslie. Sometimes, I feel like I take advantage of her, but whatever. I'm 5 and a half months pregnant." Aria laughed.

"You're halfway, done with your pregnancy. How are you feeling?"

"I'm getting pretty anxious. I'm constantly gaining weight and my tiny frame does not appreciate it." Aria answered honestly. "How have you been holding up?" Emily knew what Aria was referring to, but it didn't make her want to answer the question. It had been a little over a month since she'd last spoken to Alison in the parking lot of the clinic. Its not like she didn't miss her, she did insanely. But sometime over the past week, she had stopped imagining that every blonde she passed on the street was Alison. And yeah, she missed rolling over and having a warm body pressed into hers. But when she randomly woke in the middle of the night, her heart didn't race in panic wondering where the blonde was. The pain was still there, Alison still held a vice like grip on her heart. But, slowly everyday the grip loosened ever so slightly.

"I'm better." She admitted. "It doesn't hurt as much as it did in the beginning."

"That's great, Em. It really is." Aria smiled, relieved that her friend was doing better. "So, are you going to Spencer's party Saturday?" Emily shook her head in disbelief. Spencer with her dramatics. It was her and Toby's three year anniversary so she decided to throw a "mini banquet" whatever that meant. If she was going through all if this trouble for her three year anniversary, what the heck was she going to do after ten years. Or twenty. Emily did not want to even think about it.

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