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"True love is about growing as a couple,
Learning about each other, and
Never giving up on each other."


Brenna's anxiety has been bad for as long as she can remember. She had struggled with it for almost her entire 17 years of life. The teen believed it started young because of her being abandoned. That's why she knew the coming two weeks would be stressful. Finals week at Forks high school was never relaxing for the girl. Yet, she knew these exams would be harder because she knew the junior exams would be killer. The happy thought was that she would be a senior when the next school year started and she would almost be done.

"Em," Brenna laughed as her imprinter kept leaving kisses on her jaw and down her neck. "I have to study."

"I'm sorry," Embry mumbled as Brenna turned to face him. "You're just so beautiful." He used as his excuse.

Brenna rolled her eyes before pressing her lips to his. Embry deepened the kiss and pulled her on top of him gently resting his hands on her waist. The brown haired girl pulled away and started kissing lightly down Embry's neck. It wasn't something she had done before but she was one for trying new things. His grip on her waist tightened as she started nibbling and sucking on his neck. He let out a groan before his girlfriend pulled away and noticed a dark purple mark.

Brenna laughed when she watched it fade away, knowing that it was his healing process. "It's good to know I can leave hickeys and not have to worry about dad seeing them."

"That's one thing about the healing ability," Embry mumbled. "I have a question for you." He added as he pushed her hair behind her ear. "Will you meet my mom?" He asked gently.

Brenna's heartbeat picked up, something that Embry caught. "I don't know," she hesitated. "I thought you mentioned that you two fought over me and I really don't want to stress your mom out more." She mumbled as she played with the shirt that was on Embry's body.

"We talked about it, I told her that it wasn't you making me skip school and that you're actually a straight A student." He spoke softly as his hand went to her cheek. "I love both of you, but I'm not gonna let my mom be disrespectful to you when it's because she doesn't know that my dad was a wolf." He added.

"Do you really want me to meet your mom?" Brenna asked softly. Embry nodded and gave her a soft smile. "Okay, when is this?"

"She's off work today, so tonight?" He asked.

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