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*Update like a day or two later because I felt bad about how I made her and Tyler have a moment in the last chapter...*

So the Author's note is going to be at the beginning for this chapter. I just wanted to let you guys know that the beach scene is in this chapter and like I had said before, if you read it, Kiowa will still play Embry and Tyson will still play Quil. (They look like the pic above or you can imagine them with longer hair if you want. Or you can keep them to same it's honestly up to you guys but while I am writing this it is going to Kiowa and Tyson) I know that they are played by different people in the first movie but for this book's sake it is not like that. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Beach outfit:

Beach outfit:

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"There's a difference between knowing somebody and hearing about somebody.
Just because you 'heard', doesn't mean you 'know'."


Confusion. That was all that Brenna Swan was feeling right now during the school's lunch hour. She was so confused that she had blocked out Tyler's voice as he was trying to speak to her. The only thought running through the youngest Swan's mind was 'why are they talking?'. That's all that she had been thinking ever since Edward Cullen had walked over to Bella and started talking to her. It wasn't just the young Swan that was confused, even Bella's group of friends were confused as to what was going on.

"Brenna!" Tyler snapped a little too loud as he got looks from a few students but he just waved them off with a glare. The girl finally turned her attention to her best friend as she gave him a concerned look but quickly shook it off. "I have been talking to you for five minutes." He stated causing Brenna to roll her eyes.

"I'm sorry." She sighed as she gave Tyler a small smile, "I was in shock at Edward talking to Bella." She told her best guy friend as he looked over to where the two extremely pale teens were talking to each other. "It's weird."

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