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"There's a reason why bf stands for
boyfriend and best friend,
as they should be one and the same."


It had been a few days since Brenna had went to that party on the reservation with Maleah and Tyler. Meaning it had been a few days since she sat and talked to Embry for a few hours. In all honesty, she missed talking to him. Even though they text when he is available, sometimes he is only available in the middle of the night when Brenna is asleep. It confused her, seeing as he was in school and him being up so early and also not being available during the day. She had hoped that he felt the click when they talked and hoped she wasn't just someone he could use, even though he didn't strike her to be someone to use someone.

It was currently almost midnight and Brenna were still up working on an essay she had due in two days. She had been working on it since yesterday and just wanted to hurry and get it done. She was in the middle of writing the last sentence of what felt like the tenth paragraph when her phone went off. However, instead of it just vibrating once or twice in signal of a text, it kept going off. The youngest Swan grabbed her phone and felt butterflies erupt in her stomach when she seen the name on her screen. She quickly placed her pencil on her paper and clicked the 'accept' button.

'hello?' Brenna greeted softly as a small smile came across her face. She had been wanting to talk to him but she hadn't had the courage to call him herself.

'hey.' Embry's voice came over the phone. Brenna could hear how tired he was from how his tone came out, but she could still tell that he was wearing a cute little smile on his face.

'So... what's up?' Brenna asked as her nerves started to act up all the sudden. It was strange seeing as they haven't seen each other since the party.

'I just got home.' Embry sighed as Brenna looked over at her clock to see that it was now midnight, right on the dot. 'I honestly can't tell you why I called because I don't have a specific reason.' He admitted making Brenna's smile widen as she hoped that it was because he felt the connection as well. 'I just wanted to hear your voice and also apologize for not texting you much.'

Brenna laid down in bed as she felt her heart speed up knowing that he just wanted to talk to her. 'You're fine. I know you have a life and friends.' She laughed lightly as she leaned back up and placed her essay on her nightstand along with all of her writing utensils. 'If you don't mind me asking, why do you keep getting home so late?'

Embry sucked in a breath, hoping that she would never ask that question. He didn't want to lie to her but he also didn't want to tell her the truth right now. He knew that if he told her the truth that it could possibly freak her out, and also, they haven't gone out much and he needed to make sure that she had feelings for him before he told her. 'I have a job and it requires me to work certain shifts. I get off at different times and I usually catch up on school work or sleep.'

Enchanted ↳ Embry CallWhere stories live. Discover now