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"Dad, there is no way that I can keep that in here." Brenna Swan stated to her adoptive father as he came through her bedroom door while pushing her old display case that held all her old pageant crowns, sashes, and trophies. She had stopped doing pageants when she was three once her aunt had died. Charlie had her for a year before she quit doing them, her aunt had taken over as pageant mom after her parents had basically left her at Charlie's doorstep. They never told the cop where they were going. Charlie had never told the girl but she was only going to stay with him for a month. After a month he never heard from them so he just assumed the worst and officially had her adopted. "I don't need my friends to know that I used to be a pageant child." She sighed as Charlie gave her a look.

"I'm sorry, kiddo." Charlie sighed as he looked at the sixteen-year-old girl. Her sixteenth birthday was a few weeks ago and she had just found out this week that Charlie's biological daughter was moving back in with him. "I need to have Bella's room ready by the time she gets here." He apologized to his adoptive daughter as he pushed her display case beside her closet door.

Brenna looked at her adoptive father and gave him a slight nod, "You know, it's going to be a pain sharing the bathroom with three people." The youngest stated as she looked around her room. It had taken her years to finally get the room the way she liked it and she was proud of it.

"I know, Bren." Charlie sighed as he leaned up against his daughter's closet door. "I'm going to try to make everything work." He sighed as he looked at her. The youngest Swan gave her dad a small comforting smile.

"I know, and I love you for that." She told Charlie as she gave him a small smile. "I was actually wondering if I could go to Jake's?" She asked with a sheepish smile. She had finally got her license, since in Washington you only had to be 15 to try for your permit and since she had turned sixteen a few weeks ago she had passed her driver's test.

Charlie let out a sigh and rolled his eyes playfully before nodding and walking towards Brenna's bedroom door. "Yeah, just be back before ten." He stated as he walked out the door but not before shooting his daughter a look to make sure that she knew he was serious.

Brenna hopped off her bed before slipping on a pair of different pants and grabbing her car keys off her dresser before skipping down the steps. "I promise to be back before ten." She called to Charlie, who was sitting in the kitchen. She quickly made her way out to her car so she could hurry her travel to La Push. Brenna had not heard from Jacob ever since Charlie told Billy Black that Bella was coming home. But she also knew that Charlie had asked Jacob to fix an old beaten up truck for Bella as a welcome home present.

She arrived at Jacob's house a lot quicker than she usually did, which made her think that she was probably driving faster than she was used to driving. She mentally noted to be more careful on the way home so she wouldn't accidentally get into an accident and freak Charlie out. After making that mental note she hurried out of her car and headed to the Black Family's door. She knew that it was just Jacob and Billy here until Rachel comes back from college and since Rebecca was married.

"Brenna, nice to see you." Billy told the girl kindly as he opened the door. Brenna gave the man in the wheelchair a smile before Billy continued on, knowing exactly why the adopted Swan was here. "Jacob is working on that truck for Bella." He told Brenna. To be honest, Billy and Jacob never knew the kind of relationship that Bella and Brenna had. They knew that Charlie had took Brenna in when she was little and after Bella had left when her mom took her. They also knew that Bella had come to visit once or twice but it had been a long time since she had stayed with Charlie or even seen him for that matter.

"Thank you." Brenna told him softly as she gave him a smile before heading off towards Jacob's workshop where he fixed most of his things. If the girl was being honest, she would call some of the things junk but she had known better than to offend Jacob like that. "Hey Jake." She greeted when she walked into to his little shop and noticed him working on the ugly red truck that Charlie was going to give Bella.

"Brenna, I was wondering if I would have to wait until Bella came home to see you again." Jacob joked as he stopped working on the truck to go give his best friend a hug. She gladly returned his hug before they broke apart and she decided to sit down while he worked on her adopted sister's truck. "I have a question that I have been wanting to know for a while but you do not have to answer it if you do not want too." Jacob stated as Brenna nodded to tell him to go on, even though he wasn't facing her. "How is the relationship between you and Bella?" He asked softly as Brenna let a small smile pass her lips.

"uh," She started not knowing exactly what to say. She knew what he meant but she didn't know how to explain it. She hadn't seen Bella in years so she couldn't exactly state the exact way they would treat each other now. "Well, last time I met her, we weren't close but we were friends." Brenna shrugged as she thought back to when Bella came to visit. She couldn't exactly remember what age they were but she knew that Bella would always be a year older than her but that Jacob would always be a year younger.

"Do you think you'll get along?" Jacob asked as Brenna looked at her friend and thought about the question that was being asked. Jake was being careful not to overstep on the boundaries, he was never sure about how Brenna felt about be adopted and he never knew her true feelings for everything. Everyone that ever-met Brenna would describe as one of the nicest people that they had ever met.

"I think we'll be fine, but something tells me that she didn't exactly choose to move back here." Brenna told Jacob honestly as the younger boy nodded and continued working on the run-down vehicle.

After that conversation the pair had switched it over to a different topic and talked about everything under the sun. Jacob was not going to bring her family up any more while she was here today. He didn't want to accidentally drive her away without meaning too. What felt like five minutes, but was actually quite a few hours, it was time for Brenna to go home if she wanted to make it home by Charlie's curfew.

"I have to go but I will see you soon." Brenna told Jake as she gave him a goodbye hug and he had waved her off as she left the Black's residence. On her way home Brenna just listened to music and sand along with whatever was playing on the radio at the time.

She had made it home around 9:30 that evening and Charlie was watching something on the tv when she had walked in. She knew that even if she did come home late that Charlie wouldn't say anything. Charlie actually liked Jacob, even though he hated any guy being around his daughters. "You're home thirty minutes early." Charlie stated as he looked at his watch. Brenna made her way over to the couch and sat beside her dad. "Did you have fun?"

Brenna nodded as a smile formed on her face, "Yeah. I did." She told Charlie as he nodded and turned his eyes back towards the tv. "Jake and I just talked while he worked on that truck." She added as her dad nodded with a pleased look. Brenna had to talk her dad out of her dating Jacob. Brenna always had a feeling that her dad wanted her to date Jacob but she had shut that hope down to Charlie a while ago. Jacob was her best friend but he wasn't someone she wanted to date. Besides, she had dated Mike Newton when she was in 7thgrade and he was in 8th. That relationship lasted for a solid two years and just ended last year.

Brenna had broken up with him, due to the fact that everyone was talking about the fact that she slept around. She was sure that Mike or one of his idiotic friends had started the rumor but she didn't pay much attention to her reputation at high school anymore because she knew that it wouldn't matter by the time she graduated and went to college. Of course, Charlie knows nothing about the rumors or anything because he would for sure go to the high school and arrest someone.

"What's on your mind?" Charlie asked his daughter softly. Charlie never treated Brenna like she was adopted, he had done the same things for Brenna that he would do for Bella. He had just actually raised the younger girl by himself instead of having help.

"Everything will stay the same, right?" Brenna asked her dad. She didn't know why but she was scared that when Bella got here that things would change. She could feel it, she knew deep down that something was going to happen and everything was going to be flipped upside down when her older sister gets here. "Like, nothing will change once Bella gets here? We'll be the same and everything else?"

Charlie gave his younger daughter a small smile in assurance, "Everything will be okay." Charlie assured as Brenna mirrored his small smile before nodding and bidding her father goodnight and making her way to her room to get ready for bed. She knew that she needed to prepare herself for Bella's arrival.

Because deep down, something told her that everything was about to change

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