Preparing For The Assault: Part 1

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March 22nd, 2020; Time: 6:59pm

We arrived at Barrow-Furness for Scott to collect our flatbed and leave, we stayed to make sure Scott had everyone on their flatbeds, once they were, Scott left and that's when we decided to return to Tidmouth.  Forgot to mention that the zombie engines fled when the men started firing.  We couldn't explain why these zombie engines were also scared of those mercenaries but we opted not to question it at the time.  We arrived at Tidmouth safely, but to surprise, everyone was hiding in Tidmouth Sheds, Gordon peeped out to tell us to run into the sheds right then without a moment's pause for some reason, Reginald asked him if it was another zombie engine roaming around Tidmouth and here's his response, "No but please stop asking questions and get in because he's---", Gordon trailed off and then quickly slammed his birth door shut, we quickly discovered he saw when, "MWAHAHAHAHA!" Went a demonic & unnatural voice, we turned around and nearly screamed when we saw who was cackling madly in such a scary voice...  It was the evil spirit of Johnson, The Big Red Bully...  Then he spoke to us saying, "I was the one giving Thomas all those, and who forced him to kill himself! a brief moment in Thomas' rage at Oliver is where I successfully possessed him! So that wasn't the Thomas you all knew who done that, it was me getting my revenge on him for RUINING MY LIFE BY TELLING THE FAT DIRECTOR THAT I KILLED HIS OLDER BROTHER TIMOTHY!!!  Not saying that I didn't kill him, but, IT WAS NOT THAT LITTLE BLUE SHIT'S PLACE TO RAD ME OUT TO OL' FAT HATT!!! The Great Western Railway still restored me to operating condition after I attacked Tidmouth in '25, The GWR still CASTED ME & EMILY BOTH ASIDE! Until me and Emily returned here to "help" you lot after Those 2 Caledonian Dimwits crashed into each other.  Everything was right with the world again to us, until THOMAS & GORDON INTERFECED RADDING ME OUT TO SIR TOPHAM HATT ABOUT BILLY AND DENNIS' DEATHS THAT WE CAUSED! I tried to escape...  I tried, but oh no, a signalman was siding with Tiny Thomas, & Ol' Gordy, and unjustly DIVERTED ME INTO THE KILLDANE GOODS SHED WHERE I CRASHED, DIED, AND MY CORPSE WAS TAKEN TO YOUR KILLDANE IRONWORKS TO BE SCRAPPED!!! However, My beloved Emily has resurrected me as a demon, so I can get my revenge on this entire fucking island! THOMAS & GORDON DESERVE TO DIE BY ME FORCING THEM TO COMMIT SUICIDE!!! And, I was successful with Thomas.  Now, It's GORDON'S TURN! I'll let the rest of you live, if I can possess Gordy and force suicide upon him, of course, but you all shall have to face my wraith if you get in my way.  So let this be the only warning I'll give you lot, give me Gordon, and the rest of you don't have to fool with me anymore.  C'mon you two, BRING FOURTH THAT BIG BLUE BASTARD! OR SUFFER MY WRAITH!".  "Fat chance of that happening Johnson! Colt & I demand that you leave all of us alone NOW! Or we'll make YOU pay for it, Johnson! MARK MY WORDS!!! So, it's your call, boyo." Reginald replied angrily, He & Colt stood up to Johnson, we were all surprised at how brave they were with him.  Stunned by Reginald's outburst, Johnson left and said no more...  "He came here to get me..." Said Gordon, still shaken by just the site of him, "Yes, but we will not let anything happen to you, Gordon" Colt said to him, "Oh don't worry about Johnson's Demon Spirit, Colt & I have an idea.  In theory, it should keep him away from all of us!" Reginald added in conclusion.  "And what might that be?" James asked, "You'll just have to wait and see" Reginald replied.  Then everyone fell asleep at once.

March 23rd, 2020; Time: 8am

The others woke up to be surrounded by our idea.  Holy Water, Crosses, and other of our Christian items and artifacts, all in an attempt to keep Johnson away.  We soaked everything in holy water, sprayed on the engines while they were asleep and everything.  All of their cabs each had a pamphlet on how to use the Name of Jesus Christ to keep demons & other evil or malevolent spirits at bay or away from us all together, complete with a holy bible.  Suddenly, Norman & Hiro rushed to the gate begging us to let them in as the two beast engines were hot on their behinds.  We had to refuse since Beast Samson & Beast Spencer arrived.  Before the two beast engines killed them, they told us all of the other engines, zombified, mutated, or a survivor are for sure dead thanks to the beasts.  All except four, them and two more.  The gate keeper asked them who the other two were, Norman didn't have time to answer as Beast Samson ate and killed him while Beast Spencer watched.  Hiro did have enough time to tell us who the other two were, "Geoffrey and---" Beast Samson finished at that moment and Beast Spencer drilled his tongue into Hiro's right eye, luckily Hiro finished feebly saying, "---Class 40..." Class 40 had an inspector's bowler hat stuck in his air intake many years ago now before my parents were even thought of...  One problem with that though.  Those two engines died, Geoffrey died back in 1923, and Class 40 died in 2010, both of which were in very bad accidents...  How the bloody hell could they be alive after that? The two beasts left after their meal, but not before tossing their corpses trackside...  We all must ponder how those two are alive.  Once we're done with that, we will be getting armed and our special attack train ready for the assault on Brendam Docks.                                

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