The Assault On Brendam Docks!

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March 25th, 2020; Time: 8am

Today's the big day! The day we KILL those damn mercenaries, Diesel 10, & Emily, for ruining the island we knew and loved! We rested up greatly (& thankfully)! We got prepared for the fighting & bloodshed that this day will bring by using a giant spike, coupling it to Robert's front & we charged straight to the docks! 

March 25th, 2020; Time: 8:50am

"GODDAMN SUDRIANS! KILL THEM ALL!!!" Their leader, P.T. Boomer yelled from one of Emily's coaches as the firefight officially began! Robert quickly uncoupled from the battering ram and coupled up to a mini railgun and started shooting at Emily with Colt! I could've sworn Johnathan & Megan were military vets the way they fought from Colt's cab!

March 25th, 2020; Time: 12:25pm

It's now 25 minutes passed noon, and most of the mercenaries were now dead at this point, it became a losing battle for them now, thanks to 4 hours of nonstop combat.  Boomer ran out the coach he was in to join the fight himself, when Johnathan & Megan quickly & briefly uncoupled Colt to our shock & brief dismay, but we saw why when they shot at him from Colt's cab, forcing him onto Colt's line and that when Colt ran over the bastard, killing him on the spot!!! "WELL DONE COLT! IT'S JUST EMILY & A FEW MERCENARIES LEFT NOW!!!" The Fat Controller yelled at them as they recoupled/rejoined us thankfully! Suddenly, Richard came out from behind and grabbed onto Train 2 (OUR Train!)! David would've killed him as soon as he latched on to us but his mini rail gun was still being reloaded, at first we were glad David couldn't fire at Richard until his eyes turned black with red pupils, that told all of us it wasn't the Richard we knew, JOHNSON HAD POSSESSED HIM!!! "MWAHAHAHAHA!!! HURT ME NOW AND YOU'LL BE HURTING YOUR PATHETIC FRIEND, RICHARD!", Johnson whaled at David! Richard's mouth moved but Johnson's voice came out then! Train 1 saw us struggle with Johnson helplessly while still fighting.  Suddenly David's mini rail gun finished reloading and he fired at Johnson in Richard's Body! He gasped in horror when he actually did KILL Richard when the mini rail gun's smoke settled, Johnson, back in his evil ghost/demon form still held onto our train! "I exited Richard when you fired that shot.  In this form, I, CAN'T BE KILLED BY A MORTAL AS A DEMON!!! MWHAHAHAHA!!!" Johnson whaled victoriously!  Emily managed to escape Train 1's grasp on her and fled the docks.  A few minutes after she escaped, we all heard her screaming bloody murder at something, then we heard the tearing and ripping of flesh in the distance when her screaming stopped! "EMILY MY LOVE!!! NOOOOO!!!!" Johnson then whaled, let us go and ran to her aid! Suddenly a few minutes later and Johnson came screaming back in pure fear.  It was Beast Samson & Beast Spencer chasing after him! Diesel 10 gasped in horror at the two beasts who betrayed them! Then another surprise happened! Zombie Arthur, Zombie Rosie, Zombie Edward & Zombie Henry came charging into the docks, Zombie Rosie & Zombie Arthur pushed Spencer & Samson into the ocean when "DAMMIT! How'd those undead engines figure out that salt water was the beasts weaknesses!?!?" one of few left standing mercenaries shouted! Johnson went invisible and hid deep in the docks to hide from the beasts and the zombie engines.  Zombie Daisy came creeping in, but the men blew her up, killing her for good.  HOWEVER, Diesel 10 was still alive despite Samson ripping off Pinchy before he was pushed into the sea! Then suddenly, Zombie Edward & Zombie Henry grabbed onto him and said "die...  you, hurt us, ENOUGH!!!" Zombie Edward as he and Zombie Henry also pushed D10 and themselves into the sea!!! Then, "Let me send you back to Hell for what you did to me!!!" screamed a familiar voice.  The voice belonged, to, to THOMAS!!! "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" Johnson whaled as he vanished with Thomas! There were now only a hundred mercenaries, but they did some damage to me and Johnathan personally.  First, one of them got a headshot on my boyfriend and Reginald's firemen, Jon Thompson...  Megan Stokes then gets shot four times in the abdomen, and once each in her right arm and left leg...  She died slowly in Johnathan's arms at 2pm...       

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