Preparing For The Assault: Part 2

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March 23rd, 2020; Time: 10am

We discussed and decided mutually on a main cause.  Geoffrey & Class 40 were accidentally resurrected with Johnson, so they too must be ghosts now.  The Fat Controller said 2 engines MUST go find them at once and the rest of the engines must participate in the assault.  Gordon & David volunteered themselves, but Sir Topham Hatt rejected their notion to search for the 2 other ghost engines because their along with Sonny, Richard, Bear, & Robert's strength would be needed for the assault immensely.  Molly & Oliver then volunteered themselves at the same time Donald & Douglas volunteered each other.  The Fat Controller rejected the Caledonian Twins' notion as their battle knowledge will be needed for the assault.  But, he thought heavily about Molly & Oliver's notion and went into his office to think it over.  He decided to let Molly & Oliver go find Geoffrey & Class 40's spirits.  James, Bill, & Ben didn't bother to say anything during that discussion, they still secretly wanted off the island.  They didn't know what to do with us either because at first they wanted us to stay behind in Tidmouth to project but immediately opted against it as that would be frowned at as an aided suicide notion.  The Fat Controller turned to Bill & Ben, he told them they weren't needed for the assault so the day before Harold would need to escort them off the island and Molly & Oliver must return to Tidmouth on the same day saying them and James needed to get our assault train ready for that day's ferry move to Suddery.  Never thought in a billion years we would be attacking somewhere, especially somewhere on our beloved little island.  I can't keep writing here because everyone must gear up for tomorrow's ferry move.  That's right.  The Assault On Brendam Docks is 2 days from now since The Skarloey & Culdee Fell Railways were evacuated already.  I'll write in this again either tonight or tomorrow morning depending on anything interesting happening tonight as Molly & Oliver are due to go find Geoffrey & Class 40, Oliver's bringing Claude, The Great Western Refrigerated Van, as well as Toad, The GWR Brake Van, and his two surviving Auto Coaches, Isabel & Dulcie. 

March 23rd, 2020; Time: 11pm

Well we already got settled into the sheds and Harold's Pilot opted to get Bill & Ben safely off the island and Sir Topham Hatt agreed.  They left light doubleheader shortly after Harold was up in the sky at 3:30pm, we told them and their crews goodbye & wished them safe travels before they left.  Their only stop is at Wellsworth to set the points to Suddery/Brendam/Brendam Docks.  But they failed to do so as Harold's Pilot spotted an unbelievable site...  The "site" was surprising and horrific! Out of no where a badly damaged & disfigured Zombified Edward & Henry came charging at them! We saw everything unfold through Harold's surveillance camera mounted beside his missile launcher.  They barely outrun them.  At Marion we saw & heard the twins crying at the site of Zombie Edward...   Yet on Gordon's Hill, despite slowing down due to the serve damage done to them as zombies, in their truest fashions, they slowly kept climbing the hill after Bill & Ben...  This site made Gordon (if not all of us back here at Tidmouth), sob with the tank engine twins...  After the hill, they somehow caught up with Bill & Ben, but despite the twins now at their mercy, they didn't eat them or attack them anymore, the eyes they still had shed bloody tears trying to talk to them.  They got words out saying "Reginald..." "Colt..." "Help us...".  "We can't." Bill cried "Not that we don't want to but we don't know how" Ben added as both twins began to sob...  "It...  Okay...  Do, not, cry..." Zombie Edward got out of his deformed mouth.  Everyone was sobbing at this point...  "Be...  Safe..." Zombie Henry then said as the two zombies got out of Bill & Ben's way for them to go on to Barrow...  Suddenly...  "They may be zombies, but thanks to their extremely kind, forgiving, & loving souls, those are the same Edward & Henry we once knew and loved..." said a familiar voice to Reginald, Colt, Gordon, & Robert.  It was Geoffrey's good spirit! "Class 40's spirit was like Johnson's spirit.  Angry, Vengeful, and nothing short of Pure Evil.  But, I sent his spirit back to hell where it belongs.  I'm in the process of doing the same with Johnson's evil spirit, but I can't find his demonic spirit anywhere after one night Reginald & Colt gave him a head full!" Geoffrey's ghost then laughed.  "Oh it's very good to see you dear boy." Gordon told him in a shaky voice from sobbing.  "Likewise...  My best friend..." Geoffrey replied with a wide and warm smile...  "Now, despite it being from beyond the grave, how may I help you all?" Geoffrey asked The Fat Controller.  "Could you ensure that Bill & Ben make it Barrow-Furness safely?" Sir Topham Hatt asked, "They already are ensured with that sir." Geoffrey replied with a smile.  Suddenly Harold's camera cut out and came back on when the twins arrived at Barrow-Furness.  Harold & the twins had been escorted by the other sudrian spirits from the afterlife to Barrow.  Harold was then teleported back to hovering above Marion like nothing happened, but without Bill & Ben.  Then suddenly, "Two of the surviving engines shall run away to Barrow in secret tonight, who they are is for you all to figure out." Geoffrey said randomly but knowingly.  Then Geoffrey goes straight to James and couples up to him, "Is it James?" Gordon asks Geoffrey, "No.  But the poor engine does want to leave.  I'm only helping him with that." Geoffrey replied with a wink and a smile.  James trembled in fear at Geoffrey's kind ghost, "James, my dear engine, you have no reason to be scared of me, I mean you no harm.  It's okay" Geoffrey soothed.  He then told us he was teleporting James to Barrow, then he & James disappeared doing so, and we haven't seen them or Bill & Ben since.  Molly & Oliver no longer needed to search for them.  Harold returned at 4pm.  Richard & Bear got quiet after they said they'd partake in the assault this morning and had not said anything to anyone about it.  That was, until Reginald & Colt asked them what's wrong when all except us and those 4 engines were fast asleep.  They told them they secretly didn't want to fight at all, they just wanted to leave for the mainland and find a new home in a heritage railway there, but they wanted to keep their word in fighting to Sir Topham Hatt.  They thought for a moment, and said something to them us four engine crewmates would never forget as it was so shocking to us, it was not the Reginald & Colt we knew, but a side of them we've never heard or seen, their "soft spots" perhaps.  In telling them, "Look, If you ask me or Reginald, we'd both tell you to defy Sir Topham Hatt's order to fight, we can tell you two hate the thoughts of fighting and killing people in general" Colt told them, "Oh Yes...  You two have mine & Colt's blessings in this true defilement of orders.  We won't tell anyone you two told us this, and me & Colt will pretend we don't know and didn't encourage you all to do this tomorrow when the cavalcade moves to Suddery.  We, me, Colt, Robert, Molly, Afton, Gordon, and even Johnson when he was still alive, were threatened with scrap from The Fat Director, Sir Charles Topham Hatt I if we didn't do as we were told, this frightened me & Colt into obeying orders back then, now under these strange circumstances, we don't want Sir William Topham Hatt to do what his ancestor who created the NWR did to us to you two...  So, I think The Fat Controller with literally everyone else is asleep.  So go...  Now is the time..." Reginald concluded.  "Thank you...  Thank you both." "We promise we'll remember this if you two survive as well" Bear & Richard replied as their crews opened their birth doors quietly and they silently left, but not with telling Reginald & Colt a final goodbye in case this would be the last time they see each other.  I asked them was that a side you didn't show us and they replied with a yes in unison.  I saw the gate guards thankfully assumed Richard & Bear went looking for survivors and let them out.  Johnathan said he had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach telling him this will be the last time we see one of those two engines alive...  In spite of this, we still need to get some sleep, I'll write a new log down in here tomorrow, goodnight! 

March 24th, 2020; Time: 8am

Good morning, Sodor! Today is the day we relocate to Suddery for the assault, Sir Topham Hatt said the military promised us we could leave the island afterwards if even a few of us survive and the assault is a success.  Here's the assault train consist in a listed specific order.  Oh! And I'm happy to say due to Richard & Bear's "mysterious disappearance", Us four, Reginald, & Colt now MUST partake in the assault according to The Fat Controller.  Any who, here's the full consist list below:

  Consist of Train 1, The battering ram and main assault train:

  Robert: Leading and armed with a mini railgun in front of him

  Gordon: Trailing directly behind Robert for muscle

  Sonny: Trailing behind Gordon for muscle

  Oliver: Trailing behind Sonny

  Isabel & Dulcie carrying armed civilians, behind them are two boogied flatbeds, and two boogied box vans, one of each with machine guns, the other of each with missile launchers, and Toad, the GWR Class Break Van, armed with a mini railgun facing the opposite way to complete Train 1.

  Consist of Train 2, the extra arms & supply train:

  Colt: Leading with a mini railgun in front of him

  Reginald: Trailing directly behind Colt for muscle

  Donald: Trailing directly behind Reginald for extra muscle and battle knowledge

  Douglas: Trailing directly behind Donald for extra muscle and battle knowledge 

  Molly: Trailing directly behind Douglas

  David (Diesel): Trailing at the rear armed with a mini railgun in front of him 

  Three 5-Plank Open Wagons filled with dynamite, Six 7-Plank Open Wagons full of coal for all the steam engines, A Single Tanker of Diesel Fuel for David, Claude and a Refrigerated boogied Box Van full of food and various drinks, and extra single-axle flat bed wagons and box vans with various machine guns and missile launchers, David is acting as a break van to complete Train 2. 

March 24th, 2020; Time: 8am

With everything loaded up and in position, we set off for Knapford, the gates were programmed to self destruct and lodged open until t-minus 10 seconds before self destruction, also thought I'd mention The Fat Controller boarded Toad for no real reason.  We passed through Knapford.  Wellsworth isn't far now...  We heard the gate explode when we passed through Crosby.  Not much farther to go to reach Wellsworth now... 

March 24th, 2020; Time: 10am

Well, we arrived at Wellsworth to a horrible site.  On the station platform track sat the dead corpse of Bear, who we believe the mercenaries killed by placing the giant spike in his path last night, Reginald & Colt felt horrible! They just hoped now that Richard miraculously escaped their grasp again.  The switch was already set to go down Edward's branchline, but we don't know who flipped the switch as James, Bill, & Ben were teleported to Barrow-Furness, so, no one wanted to stick around for that reason, and we went on to the Brendam Branch...  We made it to Suddery and it was abnormally quiet and deserted...  Dead, quiet, not even animals were making any noises...  We set up camp anyways.  Everyone's on look out & high alert.  I'll write in this again when something happens.  

March 24th, 2020; Time: 8pm

Welp! Strangely, nothing happened at all! A good thing but, also very odd & off-putting.  Anyway, we decided to take turn watching for them and sleep tonight at Suddery.  Goodnight!                   


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