The Assault's Aftermath

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March 25th, 2020; Time: 3pm

At 2:34, the last 25 mercenaries surrendered! We lost Richard, and quite a few people on our side...  We had 5,000 to start, but now that number is 1,256 including myself & Johnathan...  And excluding Sir William Topham Hatt...  At 2:59pm, our beloved controller went into the dock manager's office and a gunshot was heard, David's driver went in to see what it was about and, discovered that, William turned his 9mm Pistol on himself and committed suicide...  He wrote a will for his funeral, and while riding aboard Toad yesterday wrote a suicide note to his family for them to read, and by family, I mean his parents as he had no wife or children of his own...  His parents are Miss Cynthia Hatt, and Sir Bertram Topham Hatt, The 1969-2009 NWR Controller...  Sir Bertram is only second to Sir Charles Topham Hatt I in terms of The NWR's longest serving Controller.  The Controller before Sir Bertram was Sir Charles Topham Hatt II, his father and Sir William's grandfather...  Here's the note below:

"Dear, Dad...

Yours & our family legacy on this island's rail system was something I envied...  I always wanted to be like you with the railway, but now that, it's gone, I am nothing with our family's now tarnished railway and legacy...  If I can't live up to The Hatt Family name with the railway then, I AM nothing...  I lost everything to P.T. Boomer, Emily, & Diesel 10! We're going to launch an assault on their hideout which unfortunately is Brendam Docks.  After that, I must end it all, for I will no longer have purpose in this world without The North Western Railway...  I love you and Mom so very much.  I shall definitely miss you two...  I bid thee goodbye my dear parents...

-Sincerely, your only child, Sir "Mr. Willie" William Topham Hatt."

March 25th, 2020; Time: 3pm (Continued) 

We all found this heartbreaking...  Me & Johnathan just lost our love interests & firemen...  But his letter really put us in his shoes with all of this and we understood but still didn't wish he killed himself...  This made me & Johnathan realize how important we are for each other...  And, we, sorta kissed...  Next thing I know, we leave the workmen's hut after "blowing off some steam" haha! Well this wasn't expected at all! Any way, This will be my last entry, Johnathan should be writing in this once we find out what happens next after we reach London.              

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