The Tragedy - Chapter 1

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McGee was working at NCIS that morning. He, Gibbs, Tony, and Bishop had just gotten back from a crime scene. He was looking into the dead Marines bank account when his phone rang. He was just about to find a lead, but he picked up the phone and huffed, "NCIS Special Agent McGee."

"Agent McGee, this is Washington General Hospital." The caller responded.

McGee immediately shifted his attention from the Marine's bank account to the caller. "What happened?"

"I'm afraid that your wife, son, and daughter have been in a car accident." The caller informed him.

He almost dropped the phone. "Are they alright?!"

The caller sighed. "Your wife and son are in critical condition, while your daughter has some minor injuries."

McGee felt like he was going to pass out. This couldn't be happening. Delilah, Johnny, and Morgan meant everything to him. He couldn't lose them.

"Agent McGee?" The caller shouted into the phone. "Are you there."

McGee snapped back into the conversation. "I'll be there in ten minutes." He hung up the phone, grabbed his bag, and rushed into the elevator. Gibbs, Tony, and Bishop, who had been listening to only McGee's side of the call, looked at each other in confusion.

"Should I go after him, Boss?" Tony asked Gibbs.

"No, he'll call us later." Gibbs replied, looking back down at his computer. He was worried about McGee, but he didn't want his agents to know. They needed to focus on the case. But, he was prepared to let them leave early if McGee called with some bad news. Tony and Ellie glanced at each other before going back to work.


McGee rushed into the hospital. He ran to the front desk and held up his badge out of habit. "Special Agent McGee. Where's my wife and kids?"

The lady at the desk quickly searched her computer. "I'm sorry, Agent McGee, but you can't see them at the moment. They are on the third floor and you are welcome to go up there and wait."

McGee nodded his thanks and ran up to the third floor. As he walked into the waiting room, he glanced into all the rooms he passed, but none of them contained his wife or kids. He sat in an uncomfortable metal chair, awaiting some news. It was the worst hour and a half of his life. Not knowing the condition of his family was slowly eating away at his sanity. He wanted to barge into all the rooms, demanding information, but he knew that would prolong things. He needed to know how they were, and how he could help them. Most of the desire to protect them came from instinct, but his job as an agent only increased the urge. When he saw a doctor walking towards him, he immediately stood up. "How are they, doctor?"

"I can't say right now, Agent McGee." The doctor stated. "Do you know what happened?"

"I know they were in a car accident." Tim explained with a worried tone. "How bad was it?"

"I'm going to be honest," the doctor said, "one of the worst I've seen."

McGee started to break out in a sweat. "What does that mean?"

"Your wife was stopped, due to a red light, at an intersection." The doctor explained. "When the light turned green, she started driving, but a semi truck didn't see his red light and rammed into the side of your wife's car."

"Oh my God." McGee muttered under his breath. He just started at the ground and slowly sat down.

"I'm sorry," the doctor said sympathetically, "I'll let you know when I get any news on your family's condition."

McGee slightly nodded, and the doctor walked away. Only two minutes ago, he had been making plans on how to help his family when they made it out of the hospital, but now, he was doubting if any of them would make it out. He knew he should call Gibbs, for this was something bigger than what he could handle, but he knew as soon as he made the call, the whole team would be at the hospital, and he didn't think he could deal with that at the moment.

All of a sudden, he heard someone call his name. He turned to see the doctor he had been talking to earlier. "Agent McGee, I think you need to see your wife." The doctors look told him everything he needed to know.

"Oh god." McGee muttered. He followed the doctor into his wife's room, where he saw her lying in a hospital bed, barely breathing. He rushed to her side. "Delilah!"

"Tim!" she whispered.

McGee looked at her for a moment before he lost it.

"Tim." Delilah whispered again. McGee looked up at her. "I need you to take care of the kids."

"I will." McGee promised through tears.

"I love you, Tim." Delilah whispered through harsh breaths.

"Oh, Delilah," McGee cried. "I love you, too."

Delilah took a last deep, but ragged breath. Then, she lay motionless. Dead. McGee cried into his hands for what seemed like hours. Then, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see the doctor, almost in tears too.

"Agent McGee," he started. "I know this might not be the best time to tell you this, but your son, Johnny, has also passed."

McGee just buried his head into his hands, and soon followed the doctor into his son's room. He was badly bruised and his arm was twisted. "He had internal bleeding." The doctor explained. "There wasn't anything we could do. I'm sorry."

"How is this happening?" McGee just stared into space, trying to avoid crying once again. He sat with his son, remembering just the day before. Johnny had asked him to play COD with him, and he almost refused, but something had told him to do it anyway. McGee cried, knowing he would never get to have any more chances to bond with his son. He had no one, except Morgan. Oh, god. Morgan!

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