The Tragedy - Chapter 32

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Before I start this chapter, I do have a couple disclaimers: 

- I don't know a lot about medical stuff, so if there's something in here that's wrong, just pretend it makes sense for the sake of the story lol but if you do see something wrong, please comment! It would most likely be helpful the next time I write something involving hospitals/medicine!

- There is mention of a conflict in South America, but I just totally made that up off the top of my head. This story takes place in the 2030's since Morgan was born in 2017, so I just made something up for justification for something else (you'll see once you read!)


Morgan, Tali, and Abby were upstairs at the snack bar eating and chatting about their days. They had tried to not talk about the mission, which didn't leave that much else to discuss, so it was a little awkward until Director Vance walked in.

"There you are, I've been looking all over for you." Vance declared as he walked in, looking at Abby.

"Just came in here to grab a snack." Abby explained. "What can I do for you, Director?"

"I just wanted to inform all of you that the mission was a success. Your fathers and Agent Torres should be home shortly." He said, smiling.

Morgan felt like a weight had been lifted off of her chest. She looked over at Tali, who also looked relieved.

"When can we see them?" The young DiNozzo asked.

"Anytime we have a mission of this importance or rigor, it is required that each agent goes to the hospital for a routine check up." Vance fibbed. "They arrived at the hospital not too long ago, so they should be in the office within the next couple of hours."

"Thank you, Director." Abby said sincerely.

"No problem." Vance turned to Morgan.

"It's been nice having you, Miss McGee, but I hope there won't be any more office sleepovers for the time being." He said, jokingly.

Morgan chuckled. "Hopefully not, sir."

"Well, I have to get back to work. Have a nice night, ladies."

All of the girls nodded and waited for him to exit the room before they all let out a sigh of relief.

"I think this calls for celebration!" Abby exclaimed. She got up and bought a bunch of sodas from the vending machine, passing them out to each of the girls.

"By the way everyone was stressing over it, I thought the mission was going to take a lot longer." Tali admitted.

"Especially since they haven't called in almost twenty-four hours." Morgan added, sounding a little annoyed.

"Well, let's just be grateful that they're home safe." Abby said, trying to steer the conversation in a more positive direction.

"I can't believe that it's over." Morgan exclaimed. "I get to sleep in my own bed for the first time in three months."

"Not tonight." A voice said.

All of the girls jumped out of surprise and saw Gibbs standing at the doorway.

"You're crashing at my place until tomorrow." He explained.

"Why?" Morgan asked, concerned.

Gibbs awkwardly stood there for a moment, trying to think of something to say. "The check-ups are taking longer than they thought."


After several long hours on the helicopter, they finally landed back in DC and McGee was taken to the local hospital. Tony and Nick tagged along because they didn't want McGee to be in there by himself, and if they went directly back to the office, Morgan would get suspicious if her father was the only agent getting a check-up. They hated lying to everyone, but they all agreed it would be best if Morgan wasn't aware of the incident.

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