The Tragedy - Chapter 27

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After a couple hours of researching, the team gathered in the bullpen to share information and ideas.

"I looked through bank and credit card records, and found that two days before the accident, Armando used a credit card at a gas station about ten miles away from DC." Ellie informed the team. "The last time the card was used was at a local convenience store in Barrio Ita Paso, Paraguay on Friday. Obviously, Armando's dead, so there must have been someone else in the States with him that took his card back to Paraguay."

"According to his criminal records, he was in a prison in Encarnacion for three years." Torres chimed in. "Which is near Barrio Ita Paso."

"McGee you got anything?" Gibbs asked the agent who was typing on his computer.

"Almost, Boss, I found a burner phone but I'm still trying to track it." McGee responded. As soon as the words left his mouth, his computer started beeping, and he shared his screen with the big one at the center of the office. "It's located in Obligado, Paraguay."

Tony ran to his computer and searched the town. "Obligado isn't too far from Encarnacion, just a ways up the Parana River. It's pretty deep in the jungle, a perfect place for a secret operation."

Suddenly, McGee's phone beeped. He looked at the notification and gasped.

"What is it?" Gibbs asked. McGee shared his phone with the screen, and the team saw footage from his Ring doorbell. There was a masked man at his door holding a gun. There was a car in the corner of the screen."

Tony wrote down the license plate and looked it up in the system. "The car belongs to a Carlos Cabrera."

"Alright, we're going in." Gibbs announced.

McGee thought about going down to say bye to Morgan, but he knew that they were in a rush, so he just grabbed his gun and vest, following the rest of the team down the elevator.


A couple hours later, Morgan woke up, once again, in Abby's office. She had one airpod in her left ear, playing New Years Day by Taylor Swift. After finding the other airpod hidden under her pillow, she placed them back in the case and charged it for later. She attempted to fix her hair without a mirror, and thinking that it was smoothed down enough, she retreated into the lab, where Abby was observing some maggots she had stored in petri-dishes.

She was about to ask the scientist why she was studying the maggots, but her father walked in.

"We have Carlos Cabrera in our custody." He announced. "Tony and Bishop are going to interrogate him in a few minutes."

"Who's that?" Morgan asked, confused.

"Um, just someone that's connected to the gang." McGee told her, obviously hiding something. He seemed to study her face for a moment. "You okay? Your eyes look a little swollen."

As soon as he said that, Abby turned to look at her, which made Morgan feel a little nervous. It was probably because she cried herself to sleep about the Luke situation, but she would never admit that. "Uh, yeah, I just woke up from a nap."

"So, did you find anything from looking at his records?" Abby asked, trying to redirect the conversation.

"Yeah, we're thinking that they're now based around Encarnacion, Paraguay." He informed her. "We have to narrow it down some, but we have a few ideas to go off of. Maybe Tony and Bishop will pull something out of him in the interrogation," McGee looked at his watch, "which I need to go to in a second. How's everything been in here?"

Abby and Morgan glanced at each other for a moment.

"It's been fine." Abby spoke up. "Not that much happening right now."

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