The Tragedy - Chapter 25

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Hey guys! Sorry that I've been MIA lately, I've been really stressed with school and holidays and haven't found time to write and check in on everything. But I just saw that we have over 700 reads, which is AMAZING! I'm so grateful for all of y'all reading, and I hope you enjoy this long-awaited chapter! Thanks!


"Where's Morgan?" McGee asked, slightly out of breath.

"She went down to Abby's lab." Ellie told him.

"Did she make it down there?" He asked.

Ellie seemed surprised by the question. "I...umm...I assume so."

McGee was getting angry. "You didn't walk her down there?"

"Tim, I'm sure she's fine." Nick told him, understanding his reaction. "She's in a government building, the safest place she could be right now."

McGee didn't listen. Instead, he bolted to the elevator and went down to Abby's lab, expecting the worst. He barged in to find Morgan and Abby chatting at her computer. The two girls turned around at the sound of the door opening.


Morgan and Abby were in the middle of fangirling over Hocus Pocus when they heard the door to the lab open.

Morgan turned around to see her father, looking more panicked than she had ever seen him. She was expecting him to say something, but he just stood there with the same worried expression on his face. He looked at Abby for a moment, who held the same expression, and then looked at her. He looked afraid, but not with the fear he held earlier in the bullpen. He looked absolutely terrified, and that made her heart sink. Her father was generally pretty good at hiding his emotions, so she knew something was really, really wrong.

"Morgan, you didn't tell me you were coming down here." He finally said, louder than anyone was expecting.

Morgan felt a wave of anxiety wash over her. "I...uh...told Ellie and Nick that I was coming down here."

"I told you to stay at my desk." McGee yelled. "You know that you need to ask if you want to go anywhere."

"I didn't think you would care." She responded, getting upset.

"I need to know where you are at all times." McGee ranted. "Especially after everything that's happened."

Morgan looked over at Abby, who still had the same worried face as before. "What's going on?"

McGee didn't answer. He just looked at Abby, who hadn't uttered a word since he came in, which was very unusual for her. "Have you found anything yet?"

"No," she answered, "still working on it."

"Well, work on it faster." He snapped.

"McGee." Abby snapped back in a dangerous tone.

This made Morgan even more upset. "Dad, what's going on? You're scaring me."

McGee ignored her once again. "What else are we doing to find a connection?"

"The team is checking bank records, criminal records, anything they can find." Abby stated bluntly.

McGee sighed. "Have they found anything?"

"Not that I know of."

"Dammit!" He shouted, still pacing.

At this point Morgan was in tears. "What's wrong? Why won't you tell me?"

McGee turned to look at her and noticed that she was crying, which immediately made him feel bad. Before he could say anything, Abby grabbed him by his arm and dragged him into her office, closing the door.

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