The Tragedy - Chapter 19

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It had been twenty four days since she finally confessed her guilt, and things had been going well. She had been trying to make the most of her final days of freedom by going to bonfires with her friends. When she informed Emily and Rachel that her Dad would never let her go to parties, they insisted that she come to all of Jason's (Emily's brother) bonfires. He was a junior, so most of the people that came were in high school, but sometimes they would bring younger siblings that were in middle school. Morgan had met this one kid, Luke, who was in eighth grade at her school. She had seen him around and thought he was cute, so when she saw him at her first bonfire, she decided to talk to him. They hit it off and went to every bonfire that Jason hosted. However, tonight was the last one she could attend, since the trial was in two days, and she had to break it to him. I should at least look hot while I do it. Morgan thought to herself, so she wore a more form fitting dress this time. She tried to stay away from them so she wouldn't come off as a slut, but this was the last one she was going to a bonfire, and she wanted to have some fun. Once she finished her makeup and hair, she headed downstairs to see her grandparents in her living room. She had made sure to wear a coat just in case they didn't approve of the dress.

"Hey, I'm going to a bonfire at Emily's house tonight."

"Fine." Mrs. Feilding responded, not looking up from the book she was reading. "Be back by midnight."

"I will." She affirmed before walking out the door to the car.

Cormac was standing outside waiting for her. "How long are you gonna be out?"

"Until 11:00." She answered, opening the door to the backseat. "I have to be back by midnight."

"Jesus Christ." He responded, redundantly opening the driver's door. "They know yer only twelve, right?"

"Almost thirteen." She corrected him.

"Wow, only eight short years away until you can legally drink a beer." He responded sarcastically.

"Legally." She emphasized, smirking a little.

Cormac started the ignition. "You're gonna be a little hellraiser in a few years."

"Who says I'm not now?"

Cormac chuckled. "Good point."

It took them about fifteen minutes to arrive. Cormac pulled in front of the house and put the car in park. "I'll be here at 11:00, but text me if you need me here earlier than that."

"Thanks, Cormac!" She shouted before rushing out of the car to meet her friends waiting at the front door.

"HOTTIE!" Emily yelled as approached her friend.

"Luke's not gonna be able to keep his eyes off of you!" Rachel added as the girls walked to the backyard.

"That's the point!" Morgan laughed as they walked into the crowd. "We need to take a selfie."

Morgan got out her phone and held it up, capturing them and all the people behind them. "I'm gonna post it on my Snap story."

"Risky." Rachel commented. "Won't your Dad see it?"

"Nah, he doesn't have Snap." Morgan reassured her. "And so what if it's a little risky? This is my last bonfire, at least for a while, so I might as well make it the best yet."

"Slay!" Emily screamed, obviously a little drunk. She was a lightweight though, so it only took half a beer to get her tipsy, which ultimately made her more interested in her boyfriend than the rest of the drink.

Morgan rolled her eyes and posted it on her story. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to see Luke. "Hey!"

"Hey!" He said, nervously. "You look great!"

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