The Tragedy - Chapter 11

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Morgan sat on her balcony, scrolling through her phone, until she heard a knock on her bedroom door. She walked over to the door and opened it to see her maid, Martha. "Sorry to disturb you, Miss McGee, but I just wanted to remind you that dinner would be ready in fifteen minutes."

"Thank you for reminding me," Morgan responded, smiling, "and please, call me Morgan."

Martha smiled and nodded before walking off. During the next ten minutes, Morgan brushed through her hair and put on some mascara and lip gloss. With five minutes to spare, she walked down to the dining room for dinner. As she walked in, she saw Mr. and Mrs. Fielding waiting at the table.

"Well, it took you long enough." Mrs. Feilding snapped.

"Sorry." She responded, taking a seat at the table.

"The chefs should be bringing in the food any minute." Mr. Feilding told her, trying to break the awkward silence. Morgan only nodded.

"I see the clothes in your closet fit." Mrs. Feilding pointed out.

"Yes," Morgan replied, "they're very nice."

"Well, I'm glad you like them." Mrs. Feilding told her, faking a smile.

Not long after, the chefs served them filet mignon with mashed potatoes and fresh green beans.

The rest of the dinner was quiet and awkward, so Morgan decided to go back up to her room after she finished. She sat on her balcony, thinking about her mother. Did she really have all this when she was younger? How did she not end up like her parents? The last question would haunt Morgan for the rest of her life, because no one really knew, and she wondered if her mother even knew. She thought about calling her Dad, but she figured he was still hanging out with the team. She sighed, put on her pajamas, and went to bed.


McGee was a little surprised when the team showed up at his door, but it all made sense when he thought back to the phone call with Morgan. He knew she was somehow involved, and he felt bad for worrying her that morning. But, he was also grateful because he desperately needed a distraction.

Abby had picked up KFC on the way over, so everyone ate and watched a movie. Although everyone was staring at the screen, they weren't paying attention. McGee got up and walked into the kitchen, and everyone assumed he was just getting something to eat or drink, but five minutes passed and he hadn't returned. Everyone started looking at each other nervously, before all of their eyes were on Gibbs, waiting on him to do something.

Gibbs could see everyone staring at him expectantly. This usually would have pissed him off, but he knew he was the only one that could get through to Tim, so he got up and walked into the kitchen. When he entered, he saw McGee sitting at the kitchen table, staring off into space. Gibbs silently started rummaging through the refrigerator.


"No, I've tried to stay away from it." McGee responded. "It would only make things worse."

Gibbs nodded, grabbing a Diet Coke and sitting at the table across from the agent. "Have you thought about coming back to work?"

"I have." McGee answered truthfully. "But you told me to take a couple more months."

Gibbs chuckled slightly. "Yeah, well, that was before all of this happened. You need something to keep you occupied, or beer might be the only thing in your fridge."

"If I go back, I don't want to be a warm body sitting in the office all day." Tim told him. "I don't mind going back into the field."

"I wouldn't make you do paperwork all day." Gibbs assured him. "I've gotta be honest, it's been tough trying to find someone from cyber to fill your shoes. Can't do anything half as fast as you can."

McGee chuckled slightly. "I'll come back in on Monday."

They sat in silence for a while, before Gibbs said, "I'm pretty sure that everyone is listening to our conversation right now, so we might as well go back in there."

McGee scooted his chair back to peek into the living room, and as he did, everyone immediately turned their attention back to the movie. He sighed, knowing that he was going to rely on his friends now more than ever.


Hey guys! A shorter chapter, but I promise I already have a lot more written, so the next chapter won't take as long. I just want to space everything out to make the book a little longer. Hope y'all are enjoying, and if you are, please comment and vote! Thanks! ♡︎

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