The Tragedy - Chapter 23

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 "Shit." She ducked under her Dad's desk just before they reached the bullpen. Tony, noticing something was wrong, quickly stood up to greet the couple. "Very Special Agent Tony DiNozzo, how may I be of service?"

"I'm looking for Tim McGee." Mrs. Fielding answered angrily.

"Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Fielding!" Tony shouted, loud enough to be heard across the entire room. "What a surprise!"

McGee and Gibbs came rushing into the bullpen, and McGee noticed that Morgan was no longer sitting at his desk.

"Where's Morgan?" Mrs. Fielding asked him bluntly.

McGee decided to play dumb. "She's supposed to be with you."

"Don't act innocent." Mr. Fielding snapped. "She ran off, and the first person she would go to is you."

"She's not here." McGee told him. "Why did she run off?"

"She must have gotten antsy about the trial." Mrs. Fielding said, trying to sound innocent. "But I know she's here. We've checked everywhere else."

McGee was getting a little nervous. "Mrs. Fielding, I don't know what to tell you. You can ask anyone in this building and they will tell you the same thing. She's not here."

"Fine." She spat, with a sly look on her face. "Then I guess you won't mind me spilling some family secrets, since she's not here."

Morgan, who was still sitting under the desk, felt her gut start to churn.

"Let's start with what Morgan has been doing the last few nights." She continued. "Every other night for the past two months, she has snuck out of the house at 9:00 at night and gone God knows where."

Morgan's eyes widened. She knew it was a lie, but it still made her angry.

"And you, Tim. We've been let in on a little secret about your trip to Paraguay a couple years ago."

Through a small hole in the corner of the desk, Morgan saw her Dad's eyes widen. She remembered him going to Paraguay two years ago, but she never knew why. He said it was some top secret stuff, so she never bothered asking again. This could be another lie, but she continued to study her fathers expression. The look in his eyes wasn't of confusion, but of fear. She had been around long enough to memorize each of his expressions, and this one had been more common in the last few months. She knew it well. She didn't know what Mrs. Fielding was going to say, but she had the feeling it was going to be bad. Morgan sighed, knowing that she had to step up.

"Wait." She called, emerging from under the desk.

She looked at her father with an apologetic look, and he gave her a relieved, yet worried one in return.

"Oh, look who it is." Mrs. Fielding exclaimed sarcastically. "C'mon, Morgan, time to go back."

"That's not happening." Gibbs said bluntly as McGee took a step in front of Morgan.

"Of course it's happening." Mr. Fielding snapped. "She is in our custody until the trial in a few hours."

"The judge said that if she is abused, physically or mentally, she is immediately and permanently placed back into my custody." McGee informed them defensively.

"I don't know what lies she told, but they're not true." Mrs. Fielding sneered. "Besides, even if we did abuse her, there is absolutely no proof."

Morgan, who had already unplugged her phone, played the recording from that afternoon. Everyone stood there, silenced by their shock, especially the Fieldings. When the recording ended, Mrs. Fielding cleared her throat.

"That's fake!" She shouted. "She must have made that using a bunch of other recordings, you know how shifty those McGee's are with computers!"

However, before she could continue, Tony and Nick were already putting them in handcuffs.

"We'll hold them in the interrogation room until the cops get here." Gibbs informed McGee. "You better go home and get some rest while you can."

"Thanks, Boss." McGee said sincerely. Gibbs only nodded before following Nick, Ellie, and Tony into the interrogation rooms, leaving the father and daughter in the bullpen alone.

"If we go home, do you think you'll be able to sleep?" McGee asked.

"Probably not." Morgan admitted.

"What do you say we get some McDonalds, come back here and hang out with Abby until it's time to sort all of this out?"

"I could go for a Quarter Pounder." Morgan told him, walking towards the elevator.


Hope y'all liked this chapter! There's a lot more crazy stuff coming up, so check in for the next few chapters! If you can, please leave a comment and/or vote! It would mean so much! Thanks :)

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