The Tragedy - Chapter 14

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The day didn't seem to get any better. Anytime she walked down the hallway, someone would ask her about Johnny. A couple times, she straight up told people that he was dead, but as the day went on, she just ignored anyone that called her name. When the last bell rang, she quickly gathered her stuff and waited in the carline and scrolled through her phone, trying to not look approachable. Luckily, Cormac was one of the first cars in the line, so she got out before anyone noticed she was there.

"Hey, kiddo! How was yur dey?"

"Fine." She answered, not looking at him.

"Any teachers that gave you homewerk the first dey?"

"Um, yeah, my English teacher." She responded, looking at her phone. "I just have to read one chapter in my textbook, so it's not too much."

"Oh, that's good." He said, getting the hint that she didn't want to talk about it. So, he turned up his music and drove her back to the Fielding's in silence.

When she walked inside the house, she saw Martha dusting one of the antique vases in the corridor. "Good afternoon, Morgan. How was your first day back?"

"Fine." Morgan responded, not stopping to talk. She ran up the stairs and into her room, slamming the door and throwing her bookbag on the floor. She leaned up against her bed and cried, something she hadn't done since she moved in over a month ago. As her mind went through the events of that day, she felt an immense amount of guilt. Not only did she totally blow off her only friends, she cussed out Johnny's best friend and told him that he was dead. She wasn't even at school for one day, and she caused so much destruction in people's lives. She thought she was over the accident, but she realized that she still had a long way to go.

After thirty minutes of wallowing in self pity and guilt, Morgan pulled herself together and went into the bathroom to clean up. She didn't have to look in the mirror to know her mascara was streaking down her cheeks. Once her face was cleansed and she reapplied mascara, she sat on her bed, read the one chapter in her English textbook, and watched Legally Blonde in an attempt to raise her spirits. However, she was almost forty five minutes into the movie, and the events of the day kept replaying in her mind. She couldn't make it stop, no matter how much she tried paying attention to the movie.

All of a sudden, she felt her phone buzzing on her bed. Her Dad was calling her.

"Not now." She said to herself. She let it ring until it went to voicemail. I'll call him back tonight.

Five minutes later, it rang again, and she let it go to voicemail. Ten minutes passed, it rang, she let it go to voicemail.

Fifteen minutes later, it rang again, and Morgan was pissed off. "Oh my God, what's his deal?"

This time, she hung up before it went to voicemail, thinking he'd get the hint. But, ten minutes later, he called again.

"Jesus Christ what does he want?!"

She let out an annoyed groan, and answered the phone.


"Hey, Morgan." He responded. "I called a few times and you didn't answer."

"Sorry." She stated, knowing he was waiting for an explanation. She wasn't going to give it to him though. He pissed her off, and she was feeling especially petty.

"Um, it's fine." He said, sounding a little concerned. "Are you okay?"

"Yep. I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Dad, I'm fine!" She responded, more annoyed than before.

"You don't sound like it." He objected.

"Well, I am, so I don't know what to tell you."

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