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Hey, guys! Sorry, this isn't a chapter, but I thought I would share some things about this book and new ideas for the future!

I started writing this the summer of 2020, during quarantine. I was fourteen and had nothing better to do. I originally made a short story about McGee and his family (everyone was alive in that one lol), and realized that I could dive deeper into McGee's relationship with his kids. I had just re-watched the episode where Tony figures out that he had a daughter with Ziva, and is given the task of being a single dad for a while. This made we wonder how McGee would deal with being a single dad with his daughter, and that is how I got the idea for this book. In 2020, I wrote about 70 pages of this fanfic on a google doc, and found it about a month ago. When I started reading it, I realized that it had some potential, so I started editing it and adding in some scenarios. I just hit 100 pages, and there are definitely more to come!

I've been thinking of new ideas and different ways to write this story, and I've brainstormed a couple: 

1) A lot of fanfics I read have oneshots, and I think after the plot has settled a little bit, it would be something interesting to write. I could come up with my own ideas, but I would also be more than happy to hear some of your suggestions!

2) I listen to a lot of music, and I try to connect it to my own life, but when I can't do that, I try and connect it with characters. That's why I would like to start writing oneshots based on songs. I have a couple in mind that would really fit the characters and the story in general, but I would also be open to any song suggestions from y'all! 

I wouldn't be implementing any of these ideas just yet, since this storyline is far from over. But, I wanted to keep ya'll in the loop, just in case you had any ideas or suggestions. Thanks!

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