Chapter 2: Journey Has Just Begun

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Hvitserk POV...

I was wondering around lost after I escaped from the West Saxons. They had tried to capture me after my brother Ivar had died in my arms. I knew that if I had been captured, that I would have had to bargain for my life and possibly convert to a religion I wanted nothing to do with.

I don't know how long I had been wondering for, but I knew that I needed to get help soon because of my injuries I had sustained from the battle. I still can't believe that Ivar was gone, but I know that his memory and his name will live on through history.

For all I know, all my brothers were dead. Sigurd was killed by Ivar, Ivar was just killed in the battle, Bjorn I think had died from his injuries and I don't know what has happened to Ubbe. I was alone in the world with no one that cares for me. I knew that I too would die soon from my injuries but I didn't want to die just yet.

There was just so much of the world to see and stories to tell. The only thing I regret at the moment is that I didn't see more places than I did, so many things to discover. As I kept walking, I came upon a clearing, it looked like some type of meadow. 

It looked peaceful and quiet, I walked to the middle of the clearing and sat down. I started to pray to the gods, to Odin, to Thor, to Frigga, to Eir, to Heimdall, finally to the Valkyries and many more.

As I kept praying, I laid down where I was sitting and everything started going black. My vision was fading and before I fell unconscious, I swore I could see the gods surrounding me, telling me that my journey was just beginning.

......Time Skip......

I became conscious sometime later but I couldn't open my eyes just yet. My body felt heavy and my mind was muddled, it felt like I was leaning up against something. Which was weird because I can clearly remember laying on my back before I went unconscious.

I could hear various different noises around me not sure how to make out what it was. I started mumbling my brother's names, hoping that if I was in Valhalla, that they would answer me. "Ivar, Sigurd, Ubbe", I kept calling for them. "Sigurd, Ubbe, Ivar", but none of them were answering. So I tired one more time, "Ubbe, Ivar, Sigurd".

By the time I was starting to give up, I was able to open my eyes. I looked up to see that a person I think was walking closer to me. My vision was a bit cloudy at the moment, so I wasn't sure if they were female or male. When my vision became clear, I could make out that the person was female.

She had shoulder length brown hair with Blue ends I think which is impossible because you can't change your hair colour. She had a somewhat round face and didn't look very tall, and she was wearing weird type of clothes, that I have never seen before.

 When I finally looked up, my eyes met hers and it felt like something had clicked into place. I whispered the only thing on my mind before I went unconscious again.

"Mit Hjerte (my heart)". 

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