Chapter 3: Help the Stranger

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Maggie POV...

As I step closer towards this man, I could now make out that half of the blood on him was from injuries he had sustained and he was now completely passed out. I look around me a second time to see if there was anyone around to help, but there was no one.

I quickly made sure he was safe and picked up his things to secure them in my bag so that they don't get lost. I ended up calling for an ambulance and rode with them to the nearest hospital, I had to lie and say that I was his girlfriend and that he must have fallen and cut himself on rocks.

By the time that they had treated him and changed his clothes to hospital clothes. They were questioning if he was in costume or something to which I had replied, that we were doing a photoshoot to do with Vikings.

I was sitting in the hospital room waiting for him to wake up when I noticed movement coming from the bed. I move closer towards the bed to notice that he was starting to wake up. For some reason as soon as we made eye contact his name came to mind without me knowing it. "Hvitserk"

It looked like he had recognized that name because his eyes lit up and he said "Mit Hjerte, hej (My Heart, Hello)". Thank God I had learned Danish, just for the fun of it in high school.

"Hvordan har du det? Ved du, hvor du er? (How are you feeling? Do you know where you are?)" I ask politely. I was still wondering how I knew his name and why he looks like he is not from this time.

"Jeg er ikke sikker på, hvordan jeg har det i øjeblikket. Er vi i Valhalla? (I am not sure how i feel at the moment. Are we in Valhalla?)". He asks quietly, not so sure of himself.

"Nej, vi er ikke i Valhalla, vi lever stadig (No we are not in Valhalla, we are still alive)". He must think that he had died if he thought he was in Valhalla. "Jeg kan svare på spørgsmål, hvis du har nogle? (I can answer any questions if you have some?)".

"Ja, hvad hedder du? hvor er vi så? (Well, what is your name? Where are we then?)". He asks me somewhat confused.

"Mit navn er Maggie Dawe, og vi er i byen, der hedder Stavanger. (My name is Maggie Dawe and we are in the city called Stavanger.)". I answer as best as I could.

After a couple more questions, I decided to get the doctor and see what else needs to be done now. I turn towards Hvitserk to let him know what is happening. "Jeg vil være tilbage, okay. Jeg er lige ved at få en læge. (I will be back, okay. I am just getting a doctor.)".

"Hvad er en læge?(What is a doctor?)". He asks me, seeing as he has never heard of a doctor before.

I then remember that they didn't call them doctors back then, if my theory is correct in him being from a different time. "Det er en healer. (It is a Healer.)".

I continue my task in getting the doctor to check on Hvitserk now that he was awake and talking. I leave the room to find that the doctor was only around the corner, I quickly make my way towards him and let him know what has happened at the moment.

About an hour later Hvitserk was ready to be released from the hospital. The doctors were surprised with how healthy he seemed, I had to quickly go back to my hotel to get the clothes that I bought yesterday on a whim. By the time I came back, Hvitserk was snacking on fruit, looking about done with everything around him. 

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