Chapter 13: Helping One Another

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Sigurd's POV...

The figure turned around and all I saw was a familiar face. I saw the familiar brown hair on top of their head.

They were on the ground, it didn't looked like they could stand up. I looked at their legs and saw the familiar braces.

"I'm surprised to see that you are alive, brother!" They said in a tone mixed between surprise and confusion.

After helping my brother into the car, I continued making my way to Maggie's house.

...Time Skip...

I go down the street to get to Maggie's house and my brother has been silent the whole time. I pulled into Maggie's driveway when my brother started throwing out questions like;

"Where are we brother?"

"Whose place is this?"

"How are you alive?"

I pulled up to the house and saw Hvitserk look out the window. Next thing I know he had disappeared but I knew that he was going to go get Maggie.

Ever since he came to this time, to meeting Maggie and reuniting with me. I can see that he only trust us for now and no one else.

But because Maggie was the first person he met in this time, he somewhat becomes like a lost puppy around her.

Maggie's POV...

Hvitserk and I were cleaning the house and the spare bedroom to get it ready for Sigurd. He had called last week to let us know that he was coming for a visit and staying for a bit.

I could tell that Hvitserk was really excited because he would starting slipping back in old Norse without realising.

He kept telling me what his brother's favourite food was and how we needed to prepare some traditional food as well as some modern food.

Once we had everything done and ready for Sigurd's visit, Hvitserk decided to go to the front window and looked out into the front yard.

I notice sometimes he likes to look out the window and takes in the world around him.

After a while, Hvitserk came and got me when we heard a car coming up the drive way. I followed Hvitserk to the front door but as I went to open the door, I saw Hvitserk stay at the door not coming out.

I walked out and stood in the front veranda. I watched the car pull up and park, I didn't recognise the car but I did recognise the person getting out of the car.

It was Sigurd.

But I saw there was someone else in the car. They were hidden by the shadows of the trees. I walked down the steps to greet Sigurd , we met halfway and I gave him a hug.

"It's good to see you Sigurd, how have you been?" I asked Sigurd surprised.

"I have been good thank you, a bit tired from the journey but good." Sigurd replied with a grin on his face.

"Hold on one second" I told Sigurd and so I turned towards the house and yelled.

"Hvitserk, you can come out and greet your brother Sigurd. He decided to come early."

I started walking up the steps and held out my hand for Hvitserk to take. There were still somethings that he wasn't sure about but that is fine.

He slowly came out the front door and held my hand. I walked back down the stairs, towards Sigurd.

"So as I was on my way here, I came across someone that I haven't seen for years and I was wondering if you could take him in for a bit. Get him back on his feet." Sigurd told both Hvitserk and I while having a little chuckle at the last sentence.

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