Chapter 9: Nearly Time for Home

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Maggie POV...

After catching up with Sigurd and answering any questions both Hvitserk and Sigurd had, I decided it was time for bed when I noticed the time. I reached for my phone and turned towards Sigurd.

"Hey Sigurd, do you have a phone by chance, so that I can contact to you for Hvitserk?" I ask Sigurd.

"Yeah, I do". He replies. Hvitserk was looking at us thinking that he has no clue as to what we are talking about.

I checked my phone to have a look at the date to see that it was now getting close to the date to when I need to check out of this hotel and go towards a different city. I turn towards the Hvitserk and Sigurd. "Hey guys, it is coming up to the day that I've got to leave Stavanger and go to back home."

As soon as I said home, they both whipped their heads towards me and both say "Home? Where is your home? Are you not from here?".

"Yes, home. I am actually from Australia; I was only over here for a holiday and it is nearly time for me to go home." I let them know.

"Ah okay." Sigurd said.

Leaving the room, I started to plan everything in my head as to how I will be going home and if I will be taking Hvitserk with me, or if he wants to stay with his brother Sigurd. I've also got to ask Sigurd what his plans will be for the future, now that he is not alone anymore.

I started to get ready for bed and decided that I can sort this out tomorrow. I laid down, closed my eyes and dreamed the night away.

Hvitserk POV...

Once Maggie walked out of the room and headed to bed, I turned towards Sigurd with a question on my mind. "Where is Australia?"

"Well, hmm" Sigurd thinks for a moment on how to explains this to me, then he pulls out his weird little block thing, that Maggie has as well. He does something and then turns the phone around to show, what I think is the map of the world.

He points to the country we are in now, which is Norway and then proceeds to show me where Australia was. I was shocked to see how far away Australia is, this trip is going to take months if not years. Sigurd must have seen me making faces because he started to laugh and proceeds to ask.

"What is wrong brother?"

"What is wrong?! This trip with take months for he to get back home by boat, will she be able to get enough supplies for the trip to last her?" I say in a panic.

Sigurd proceeds to laugh again and begins to shake his head. "No, it won't take that long anymore brother. The people have built a new way to get to places faster but instead of going by sea. They go up in the sky and fly."

"They fly?! Surely you are joking brother, the sky is the Gods realm." I exclaim.

"No, I am not joking Hvitserk. Now it is time for us to get some sleep and tomorrow we will find out more tomorrow. Good night, Brother." Sigurd tells me.

"Night Brother." I reply.

......Time Skip......

Maggie POV...

I wake up the next morning feeling refreshed, I got up and out of bed to walk into the kitchen. I take a look around to see that no one else is up yet and decided to let them sleep in a bit. I walked back into my room and got dressed for the day.

I decided to head out while everyone is still asleep to go grab something for breakfast. Maybe a coffee or some bakery items.

I quickly wrote a note in case they woke up while I was gone and proceeded to walk out the door. 

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