Chapter 7: Exploring & Surprise

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Maggie POV...

Not long after Alex left the museum, we decided to head off as well. I showed Hvitserk around as much as I could but we were both discovering things together about Norway. Him being from the past and discovering things he has never seen or heard of before and me exploring places I've never been before.

By the time we had finished exploring, the sky was starting to darken. We started to head towards the markets again to see what they had to offer for dinner. We looked around for a bit but nothing really caught our interest.

I pulled out my phone and started to google best spots for dinner. While I was busy on my phone, Hvitserk decided that he wanted to explore more.

Hvitserk POV...

This era was fascinating. There were so many things that I have never seen before or thought could be possible. I am grateful that I am still alive but sometimes I wish I had gone to Valhalla, so that I could be with my brothers.

I am grateful to Maggie for helping me get use to this time and answering any questions that I've had and have. Sometimes I feel like meeting Maggie and coming to this era was fate, like the Gods were wanting this to happen.

But still, someday I would like to reunite with my brothers and we will all get along once again like brothers should. With no more fighting and no more trying to kill each other. Just good old fun.

Maggie POV...

I finally found a place to go to for dinner. I look up to see that Hvitserk was not beside me. I quickly look around me and I still couldn't see him. I call out to him. "Hvitserk... Hvitserk... Where are you? Hvitserk...".

No answer. I look around again but I still couldn't see him. I started to walk around and call for Hvitserk again but in Danish. "Hvitserk... Hvor er du? Hvitserk... (Hvitserk... Where are you? Hvitserk...)".

No answer again. I started to head back towards the markets when someone grabbed my arm and stopped me. I turned around to see who had a hold on me. He was taller than me, had long blond hair tied at the back and looked like he had a snake in his eye.

"Did you say Hvitserk?" He asks me after staring at me for a couple of seconds.

"Yes, I did, why?" I answer, confused as to why he wanted to know.

"But that wouldn't be possible, because my brothers are dead and I am all alone in this era." He tells me.

"How do you know if I am calling your brother and not another person with the name Hvitserk?" I ask him, wanting to see how he would answer.

"Because I know only one person with that name and it is my big brother Hvitserk." He answers my question.

I looked at him and I was starting to see the resemblance between him and Hvitserk. But how can that be possible when Hvitserk was from another time and he told me how his brothers died.

Before I could say anything else, I heard someone calling my name.

"Maggie! Where you? Hvor er du? (Where are you?)".

Hvitserk POV...

I heard Maggie calling me after a while of exploring, I then realized that I didn't let her know that I was going to take a look around. I walked back to where I had left her and she wasn't there. I looked around and started calling for her as best as I could.

"Maggie! Where you? Hvor er du? (Where are you?)". I yell out hoping she could hear me.

After a while, I could see her blue tipped hair but it looked like she was talking to someone. She had a look of disbelief on her face. I decided to call her again when I got closer.

"Maggie!" I yell.

She whipped around to look towards me and yelled "Hvitserk!". She started to walked towards me. The person she was talking to snapped their head up but I still couldn't see their face. Once Maggie reached me, she pulled me into a hug and laughed.

"Next you want to go somewhere, let me know, okay?" she tells me.

"Okay, I will. Who talking?" I ask her in my broken English pointing behind her.

She looked behind and says "oh that is someone claiming that they know you and that you are their brother."

The stranger starts to walk closer to us. I took in his features, he had long blond hair tied at the back in some sort of braid, he was tall but not as tall as me. He lifts his head up and I immediately look into his eyes, I know those eyes, especially the one with the snake in the eye. But that is not possible I saw Ivar kill him.

"Sigurd!" I breathed out in shock.

"Hello Hvitserk!" Sigurd replies with a smile on his face. 

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