Chapter 6: Meeting a Friend

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Hvitserk POV...

Once Maggie's friend turned around, I instantly thought that Ivar my brother was alive again. But this person was standing up right and didn't have crutches holding him up and he was also smiling a lot it seemed.

When she waved me over to introduce me, I still couldn't get Ivar out of my mind. Because out of all my brothers, no matter what Ivar did, I always went back to him. He was my little brother and never treated me differently like Ubbe had. I never treated him like he was less of a person or a man, just because his legs couldn't work properly. But his mind had always scared me.

Maggie POV...

"Ivar" both Alex and I heard Hvitserk say. We turned towards him with questioning looks on our faces.

"Dette er ikke Ivar, Hvitserk. Han hedder Alex. (This is not Ivar, Hvitserk. His name is Alex.)" I let Hvitserk know.

"Åh jeg ved, han ligner bare så meget min lillebror Ivar. (Oh, i know, he just looks so much like my little brother Ivar.)" Hvitserk replies.

I look towards Alex and it looks like he somewhat knows why Hvitserk was looking at him like that. He decided to talk to Hvitserk to clear this up.

"Hej, jeg hedder Alex, jeg er efterkommer af Ivar the Boneless. Jeg kan spore min slægt, helt tilbage til vikingetiden. (Hi, I'm Alex, I'm a descendent of Ivar the Boneless. I can trace my family line, all the way to the Viking era.)" Alex explains to Hvitserk.

"Ivar fik børn, hvorfor fortalte han mig det ikke. (Ivar had children, why didn't he tell me.)" Hvitserk says feeling a little hurt that his brother didn't tell him.

Before Alex could say anything, I turn towards Hvitserk with a question in mind. "Ville det være i orden, hvis vi taler på engelsk? Det er mit første sprog, og det vil også hjælpe dig med at tale det bedre. (Would it be alright if we speak in English? It is my first language and it will help you speak it better as well.)".

"Ja, jeg formoder, at hvis du virkelig også vil. (Yeah, i suppose if you really want too)" Hvitserk replies.

I turn towards Alex and say "Go ahead".

"Well, the story goes that Ivar did have a child but he left it out in the woods when he saw that the babe had a facial deformity. But someone was walking nearby when they heard a baby crying in the woods and decided to raise it as their own." Alex explains his family story.

Hvitserk was surprised that his brother even had a child and that someone else had raised it. No wonder Alex looks so similar to Ivar. As they were talking and getting to know each other, I notice that Alex's eyes were starting to go a similar blue tinge it went when Alex was on the verge of a headache.

I walk towards Alex and push past Hvitserk, I grab Alex's face in my hands and stare into his eyes.

"I know what you are going to say Maggie". Alex says to me. Hvitserk was looking at us curiously wondering what I was doing.

"Well, I will say it any way. Your eyes are turning blue Alex, have you had your medicine yet?" I tell him already knowing the answer to my question. When you have been friends for years, you already know the answers without asking.

When Hvitserk hears me say that Alex's eyes were turning blue, he quickly walked over and grabbed Alex's face in his hands and stared right into his eyes. He whispered under his breath "Not Today".

He turns towards me with a question on his mind. "What happens when eyes blue?".

"He gets really bad headaches to the point his eyes go blurry". I let Hvitserk know.

"okay" he says.

A couple of moments later Alex takes his medicine and is starting to feel better. He gets a phone call and realizes that it is from his job letting him know it was time to head back. He says goodbye to both Hvitserk and I, and goes on his way. 

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