Chapter 5: Museums and Familiar Faces

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Maggie POV...

"Hey Hvitserk, vil du med mig for at møde en af mine venner? (Do you want to come with me to meet a friend of mine?)". I ask him, just to make sure that he will be comfortable with the idea of meeting someone new. He may be able to ask my friend some questions as well, about what went on throughout Viking history.

"Ah, sikker (sure)". He replies, curious as to who my friend is.

It was about 20 minutes later when we found ourselves out front of the museum when I received a text from my friend saying that they were in the Viking exhibit. We walked inside and Hvitserk was looking around in awe of everything.

"Hvad er dette sted? (What is this place?)". He asks me, looking around at all of the artifacts that this museum had.

"Det er et museum, hvor folk kommer for at se, hvordan livet var i fortiden (It is a museum, where people come to see what life was like during the past.)". I explain what a museum is, in the simplest terms that I could think of.

"Really, så folk kan se, hvordan vi plejer at leve, og hvad vi bruger til at bruge? (So, people can see how we use to live and what we use to use?)". He asks me amazed.

"Yes". I reply.

We keep walking through the museum looking around. We passed by the Japanese exhibit, then we stopped and looked at the Egypt exhibit for a bit. We walked past the England exhibit, Hvitserk was nearly going to go in there to see what had happened to the country he once knew, from raiding it with his brother Ivar.

It was about another 10 minutes by the time we reached the Viking exhibit. As soon as we walked in, Hvitserk looked around in wonder as memories started to pour through his mind. We had stopped in front of the first king of Norway, Harald Fairhair.

"So, han gjorde det, han forenede Norge som en (he did it, he united Norway as one)". He says in wonder. "Jeg kan huske, da jeg mødte ham første gang. (I remember when i first met him.)".

"Really?". I speak.

"Yeah." he replies.

I look around to see that the Ragnar Lodbrok exhibit was close by and part of that exhibit was about his sons. I think that Hvitserk would be interested to see what history has written about his family including himself.

"Come with me, you will want to see this." I say as I turn towards Hvitserk who was still looking at the Harald Fairhair exhibit.

"Okay". He says following me.

As we get closer to the exhibit, I see a tall figure standing in front of the Ivar the boneless Exhibit, seeing as each of Ragnar's son's had small exhibits besides his. I was wondering who the figure was, seeing as they looked really interested with Ivar.

I only knew one person, who was always fascinated by Ivar the Boneless because they were a descendent of him. I called out to them, hoping I was right and that I wasn't going to embarrass myself for shouting in public to a random.

"Alex!" I shout hoping I was right.

They quickly turn around to face me, I was right, it was my friend. I heard Hvitserk behind me let out a gasp and whisper something. But I didn't think anything of it when I ran towards my friend to give him a big hug.

Alex also ran towards me with his arms out ready for a hug and a big smile on his face. "Maggie!".

We met each other in the middle and hugged as tight as we could. After a while I remembered that Hvitserk was with me, I turn back towards him to see that he was standing still with a shocked look on his face.

"Hvitserk, come meet my friend." I call out to him.

He slowly starts to make his way over and I noticed that he hasn't stopped staring at Alex since he first saw him. By the time he made it next to me, Alex and I had finished hugging.

"Alex, I would like you to meet Hvitserk, and Hvitserk, Jeg vil gerne have, at du møder Alex. Han er en af mine gode venner. (I would like you to meet Alex. He is a good friend of mine.)". I introduce both Alex and Hvitserk to each other.

Alex turns towards Hvitserk and holds out his hand. "Hey nice to meet you, I'm Alex."

Hvitserk just stares for a bit before slowing reaching out his hand to meets Alex's and says one thing which puzzles both Alex and I. "Ivar". 

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