Chapter 8: Brothers Talking

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 Sigurd POV...

When I first came to this era, I was confused. All I had remembered was that I had died from my brother Ivar throwing his axe at me. I admit, I might have gone too far but when your mother only cares for the one son and not all of you, you get a bit angry with everything.

Once I had realized I was not in my time, a kind person took me in and taught me all they could about this time that I was now in. They took care of me for a couple of years and yes, I appreciated their help, but I missed my brothers.

I had decided that once I knew enough about this time, that I would go off by myself and discover myself and see the history from the era I came from. It was amazing to see how much stuff was still around today with how long ago it was.

I still prayed to the gods that one day I would reunite with my brothers one day. So, imagine my surprise when I was visiting the city Stavanger going through the markets when I heard someone calling the name 'Hvitserk'.

Maggie POV...

One moment I was calling for Hvitserk and then the next moment 2 brothers were reuniting. it seems like the brothers were always to reunite once again, even if it was in a different time and not their own. I wonder if the other 2 brothers will one day make their way to this time as well and reunite once again.

I turn towards the brothers to see that they were still hugging. I walk towards Hvitserk and tap on his shoulder.

"Why don't we head back towards the hotel and we can talk there away from prying ears, okay?" I asked Hvitserk.

He nodded his head and says "Okay, we go now". I notice that he is getting better with speaking English.

I wave towards Sigurd to follow us. As we started to walk back towards the hotel, I feel something grab my hand, I look down to see that it was Hvitserk holding my hand. I didn't think anything of it and continued walking.

......Time Skip......

When made it back to the hotel in no time, Sigurd looked around use too everything, while Hvitserk was still looking around in awe and still holding my hand in his refusing to let go. we made it up to my hotel room and I proceeded to put the food away and started getting some drinks ready for us three.

I leave the small kitchenette and look around to find the brothers sitting on the couches catching up.

Hvitserk POV...

I can't believe my brother Sigurd is here. I remember watching him die in front of me. I was so happy to see that he was in front of me alive and in this time. I know that Maggie has been helping me and been by my side this whole time, but it is good to have someone else going through the same thing that I am going through.

"How Long?" I ask my brother.

It took him a couple of minutes to answer. "It has been around about 3 years since I came to this time era".

I let the answer sink in for a couple of moments before I heard Sigurd start to speak again. "Så Maggie, hvad foregår der? Jeg så dig holde hende i hånden, da vi gik her. (So, Maggie, what is going on there? I saw you hold her hand when we were walking here.)"

I think for a bit before I answer. "Jeg ved det ikke, så snart jeg så hende, følte jeg denne forbindelse sætte sig i min sjæl. Første gang jeg så hende, tænkte jeg straks: Mit Hjerte. (I don't know, as soon as i saw her, i felt this connection settle in my soul. The first time i saw her i immediately thought, My Heart.).

And that is what she is. She is My Heart. 

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