2. Word of Light

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Edited 2019✔️

Sunlight crept through the soft curtains of Kii's room. Kii opened her eyes and glanced at the alarm clock on her nightstand. It was six o'clock am, which meant Kii was going to have to start getting ready for school if she didn't want to be late.

Kii stood up, pulling the blanket off her in the process, and lazily changed into her school uniform. The process of brushing her teeth and fixing her hair all came in a blur. Her hair was short, so she never took the time of actually combing it or doing anything special.

Once she was fully presentable, Kii went downstairs, and snatched a fruit bar to stuff in her bag, she was skipping breakfast. By the time she left it was only six fifteen, but she figured she'd get a look around before school started anyway.

As Kii walked along the pavement, she suddenly felt someone run into her back, making her almost fall to the ground. She turned around to face a boy in a school uniform that matched hers, his light brown hair and his brown eyes; striking deja vu.

The boy didn't bother to acknowledge his accident, and continued walking forward without apologizing. Kii glared at the stranger's back and tapped his shoulder. The boy turned around, "Can I help you?" He asked politely.

Kii scoffed at his sudden turn of manners, "You bumped into me. Can't you even apologize?" She demanded more than asked, already not liking this guy.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there. I was kind of trapped in my own thoughts." The guy laughed such a fake laugh that it made Kii annoyed for abrupt moment.

Kii nodded and walked around him before heading back on track. She heard his footsteps from behind her making her feel anxious. She's always hated walking infront of people.

After what felt like years, Kii finally reached the school. Though she only began to grow more anxious, she didn't let it show and kept a calm look on her face.

The sound of students chattering came from all directions around her, making Kii feel light-headed. She took a deep breath in before entering the school and heading into the front office.

The front office smelt like a mixture of coffee and freshly printed paper. Kii approached the desk where a kind elder looking lady sat greeting Kii with a smile, "Hello, can I help you with anything?"

"Yes I'm a new student, Kii Asuda. I'm here to pick up my locker code. My mother and I already received the school schedule but it didn't have my locker combo."

The elder lady typed something into the computer before grabbing a pen and sticky note and writing '15-25-34'.

Kii grabbed the sticky note and thanked her. She had a feeling today would be a long, long day.

As Kii walked down the hall and into her classroom; she felt oddly calm. She had imagined this scenario going a lot worse.

"Excuse me, Sir?" Kii asked catching the teacher's attention.

The teacher was a middle-aged looking man that wore a neat brown vest and glasses, "Oh- hello you must be my new student. Do you need help with something?"

"Well, can you not introduce me infront of the class? I don't like attention very much. I also need to know where I'll be sitting. Please." Kii bowed. The teacher nodded understandingly and sent Kii off to a seat that was by a window.

A bell rang as the classroom filled up with people rushing to their seats. The guy Kii met earlier sat infront of her without either of them realizing it.

Kii pulled out a pencil and began listening to the teacher wishing that this school day would just end already.

As the final bell of the day rang, Kii packed up her stuff and began walking to her locker. Today she had at least managed to make one friend named Yuko. Yuko had a locker right next to Kii, and they had struck up a conversation and just clicked.

"So Kii, how was your first day here?" Yuko asked as she opened her locker. Kii mimicked her actions putting away her own things.

Kii shrugged, "It wasn't bad."

Yuko laughed and shut her locker, "Well, I think it'll be better tomorrow. Let's have lunch together then! See you later." Yuko waved and parted her ways.

Kii put away her last book before shutting her locker. Yuko reminded her of Shinichi, besides Yuko being a girl of course.


"Hey sweetie! How was school? Did you make any new friends?"

Kii nodded not quite up to speaking and went upstairs to her room, with her coat and shoes still on. Kii plopped on her bed causing a poking feeling against her skin. Sitting up, Kii felt inside her coat and remembered the journal she found.

Death Note

Kii took her shoes off and sat criss-cross on her bed with the journal in her hands. She flipped open the journal and red the writing that was on the inside of the cover.

How to use: I

1. The human whose name is written in this note shall die.

2. This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.

3. If the cause of death is written within the next 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen.

4. If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack.

5. After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minuets and 40 seconds.

Kii chortled and set the journal down beside her, "As if it's real."

"Human, I can clarify that this note is indeed real."

Kii gasped and fell backwards off her bed staring at the thing in fear. When she spoke aloud to herself the last thing she was expecting was a response.

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