20. All Around Me

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New amazing cover by Vanmaru !

Sorry this chapter sucks..😔


Kira... Light is Kira... He uses-

"I'm tired."

Light's head snapped up at the sound of Kii's voice. He smiled and laughed softly scooting the chair closer to the hospital bed, "So that's the first thing you say after being passed out for a whole day."

"What even happened?" Kii asked sitting up more and rubbing her eyes still feeling tired. All these weird dreams were making her feel exhausted, confused, and a bit worried.

Light grabbed a bottle of water from behind him and handed it to Kii knowing she must be thirsty, "Well, according to the doctor your body collapsed from dehydration. You should really take more care of yourself. We were all really worried, mostly Matsuda."

Kii just frowned and took a few gulps from the water bottle. What was that dream about? And he uses what? Maybe I'm just over-paranoid..

"Oh, I should call Ryuzaki." Light said suddenly pulling out his phone and standing up, "I'll be right back."

Kii nodded and watched as Light left the room.

I don't like the sound of this, but Light could be Kira.. But if I'm just basing this off the dreams I've had, does that mean I was Kira too? Not knowing is killing me...

• Time Skip •

"Look guys! Look who's back!" Matsuda said as he entered the room with Kii and Light. After he's been spending so much time with Kii, the poor guy developed a tiny crush on her. He couldn't really help it though, they have been together a lot recently.

Kii smiled at Matsuda's enthusiasm. He really knew how to lighten up her mood, "Though I'm glad you're feeling better, Kii, do you think you could take a look at the footage we've got while you were absent?" L asked, though it was mote of a statement then a question.

"Sure." Kii took off her sweater feeling hotter since she was inside now.

L pressed a button on the keyboard and the tape came up.

All it showed was the men playing poker. Kii furrowed her eyebrows together confused, "Poker? What does this mean?"

"It means they must be taking caution. After your strange meet up, they must've felt cornered somehow. So they decided to put a hold on their plans for now, until they were in the clear." L said feeling disappointed.

Looks like things might be slow again.

An Hour Later •

Kii sat on the couch playing a poker game on her phone. (A/n: no one younger than 13 might not, but did anyone else have one of those flip phones that had a poker game, uno, and hunting thing on it?) Light and L sat in their chairs rewatching the tapes, hoping to see something they may have not before.

I feel bad for passing out earlier.

"Ah!" Kii three her head back as she lost another round.

A new game started and the cards were passed out. Flashbacks of the men playing poker went into her mind.

"Is there a deck of cards here?" Kii asked sitting up. Matsuda walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a deck.

Kii quickly grabbed it and laid out the cards on the table, "Takaramachi..." She said out loud thinking deeply.

More images of the men flashed in her mind. The traid?

Kii looked down at her cards, diamonds 3... She moved the cards around.

Grabbing a pen and a piece of paper from the table she began writing, ANADYR.

Picking up her phone again she searched 'ANADYR'. It loaded for half a second before showing results.

"Ryuzaki, Light!

L and Light's head turned over and looked at Kii before both getting up and standing across from her.

"They talked by red colored cards." Kii pushed the sheet of paper forward.

Light sighed, "What are you talking about?"

"Listen, they use English code, not Japanese code. I analysis it, the code is 'ANADYR'. It's the name of a competing company of theirs."

L's and Light's eyes widened. How were we not able to figure that out?

"Wow, Kii you're awesome!" Matsuda praised, very impressed. She knew before L did!

L drug Light by the handcuffs over to the computer and he played the tape again. Sure enough, Kii was right.

"Then we need to get in with the ANADYR company and use this to our advantage. If we play our cards right we may be able to expose Kira." L said not meaning to make a pun.

Kii knitted her eyebrows together, "But who would go undercover? Matsuda and I can't because they'd recognize us."

"We won't have to do anything. I have a plan. We'll get one of the Takaramachi men to turn against their own team."

L sat down as Kii and Light watched him from behind. Picking up his phone he dialed a number. Everyone stared shocked at the screen as one of the men's phone rang.

Is L seriously calling him?!

"Sorry." The man apologized before answering his phone, "Hello?"

L turned on the voice disguiser and spoke into the phone, "Listen closely and don't draw any attention to yourself. I am L. I know you and the rest of your group are working aside Kira. I have even installed cameras and bugs all around the room. I am watching you right now. I know you're next target is the ANADYR company. If you corporate with me I will make sure you are not charged with any crime and say that you were simply threatened to work with Kira. You will be my eyes and ears outside of that room. Do you follow?"

"Yes, I understand."

L continued talking as Kii felt herself being pulled back into a dream.

"I know what you're thinking, Light. But I'm not killing anyone innocent." I said referring to L.

Light suddenly stopped laughing and turned to me, "Don't you want to make a better world?" Light asked inching closer to me, my back was to the door, "L wants us executed. If he gets concrete evidence that we are Kira, we'll both be sentenced to death. And then he wins. Do you want that?"

Kii sucked in a deep breathe of air as she came back into reality.

I have to confront Light. But how can I do that if he's stuck to L?

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