25. Fall

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"Would you leave be if i continued being Kira?" Light asked repeating his question making his words feel more real to me.

"What? What do I have to do with this?" I asked back avoiding the question.

Light touched my cheek, "Maybe before we were just partners, but I have an attraction towards you," He breathed out and shook his head for a brief second, "More than that. You still haven't answered by questions, would you leave me if I continued being Kira?"

"Light.. I wouldn't leave you. Because I'd keep trying to push you in the right direction. I'm not giving up until I've fully-"

I was interrupted when Light kissed me. I tried to push him away but his hands grabbed both my wrist, locking me tight. After a few more seconds he pulled away, "It's okay. I know what to do now."

"What do you mean?" I asked still with my back against the wall even though he pulled away.

"You'll see.."


After that I left and went straight home. I sat down at the table. I haven't even seen my mom lately..

"Oh. honey you're home." my mom said walking through the front door. I felt tears whirl up in my eyes but blinked them away. I hastily ran forward into my mom's arms. Her vanilla scent put me at ease, making everything feel alright even if it wasn't.

~> Next Day ~>

I coughed into my hand as I walked to the dollar store. I really regret staying out in the rain yesterday.. 'cause now i'm sick. And Light thought he'd make it his duty to walk me to a place two blocks away..

I thought to myself sparing a glance at him from the corner of my eye.

"Wait here, I'll be quick." I said before speed walking inside.

I strolled through the aisles and grabbed any items I needed. As I walked forward to pay, I bumped into someone, "Oh, sorry."

"Kii! Hey, it's been awhile!"

I smiled weakly noticing it was just Yuko, "I know, sorry sorry." I rubbed the back of my neck."

"Are you sick? You don't sound too good."

I nodded not speaking. It felt kind of awkward speaking to her with my deep voice from a sore throat. Her mom called her over making her say goodbye. I waved a farewell and checked out.

"Light?" I asked not seeing him in the spot I left him.

Maybe he went to the bathroom.


I looked behind me seeing a man, "Hi." I replied.

"You're the second Kira, aren't you? Do you know the first Kira, God?! Where is he?"

I backed away from him feeling threatened, "I don't know what you-"

He grabbed my shoulders tightly but not enough to harm me, "Tell me!"

"What's going on here, who are you?" Light asked pulling me behind him.

The guy looked satisfied and left, but not before handing Light an envolope. I saw the name Teru Mikami written on it.

"Do you know him?" Light asked me still holding the envelope.

I shook my head, "No. I was gonna ask you the same.."


"I see..Interesting.." L said after we told him about the confrontation. Light left out the part about the letter as did I.

"L, what do you suppose we do about this?" Chief asked.

L spun around i his chair sop he faced us, "For now there is nothing we can do."


It was late, and pretty much everyone was gone. I still didn't understand what Light meant earlier, but like he told me I'll just have to wait.

"Is there something on your mind?" L asked me, snapping me out of my thought.

I shook my head, "Not really. Just thinking about that Teru-character. I don't think he's much of a threat as long as he and Kira don't join."

"I was thinking the same exact thing." L said.

I smiled before sneezing. I frowned and wiped my nose. Suddenly a cup of tea was placed in front of me. I look at L and saw he gave me his cup.

"Thank you.." I whispered and sipped. Does this mean that I had an indirect kiss with L?

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