13. Forgot To Remember

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Sorry for not updating yesterday! I was feeling a bit sick and just couldn't get myself to update. But here's one now! I hope you enjoy and I'm sorry if you don't like it! If you see any mistakes please let me know! Byee and sorry/thanks again! <3


Later that day

Kii let out a sigh, as if she could make her nervousness fly into the air with it, thinking again about what Light said earlier.


"L wants us executed. If he gets concrete evidence that we are Kira, we'll both be sentenced to death. And then he wins. Do you want that?"


That wasn't like Light at all. It was scary, like he had gone completely crazy. His eyes looked so evil with power. I'm starting to think this perfect world isn't such good thing. But still, I have to talk to Light.

Kii knocked on the Yagami's front door. Light's mom answered and told her Light was upstairs studying. Kii thanked her and walked up stairs infront of Light's room. Just as she lifted her hand to knock the door swung open and arms pulled her in.

Kii gasped and quickly turned around, "Jeez Light, you scared me!"

Light ignored what she said, "What did you come for?"

What's his problem? He seems angry....but I still need to tell him.

"Light, I've been thinking about this a lot and.. I want giving up ownership of my Death Note. And I think you should too."

Light stared shocked at Kii, "What? Where is this coming from? Did L say something to you?"

Kii shook her head vigorously, "No no no, it's not like that at all. I mean- we were way in over our heads. I admit, the idea of a perfect world that's peaceful and.. safe sounds great. But maybe it's just not right for us to be the judges of it. Is what we're doing actually good Light? It's taking people's lives.."

Light gave a small nod and down into Kii's eyes, "I see. I think you should leave Kii." He said coldly.

Kii frowned and grabbed Light's arm, "Light please don't be angry with me. Please.. I.. I don't want to see you get hurt or do something you might regret. Think this over! Light, you're slowly losing your sanity to this.. it's not worth it."

Light pulled his arm out of Kii's hold, "Not worth it!? It's not worth it?" Light laughed and shook his head. Suddenly a lightbulb went off in Light's head.

Light stopped and turned to Kii, "I'm sorry. You're right Kii. Let's give up ownership. I'll do it tomorrow, okay? Just go home and rest. It's been a long day.."

Kii gave Light a suspicious look but let Light gently shove her out of his room.

Why did he suddenly agree so quickly? Something's not right..


The Next Day

The light breeze from Kii's fan ruffled through her hair as she peered into her alarm clock.

6:43 AM

Kii groaned and stretched out her arms making her bones crack.

Why does it feel like I forgot something important?

Kii sighed and got out of bed. She checked her phone and saw she had one unread text message from 'Unkown'.

Kii this is Hideki Ryuuga. If you are still interested in helping just call this number. Please delete after reading.

Helping? Oh yeah.. with the Kira case. Seriously, why does my memory feel so foggy?

Kii debated for a few seconds before calling the number.

"Hello Kii. I'm assuming you still want to work with me since you're calling?" She heard L's monotone voice through the line.

"Yes I do. Where can I-"

"Great. I'll send a car to pick you up. Please be ready by noon." Beep.

Well that was weird.

Kii deleted the call and text and threw her phone on her bed.

I really need a shower.


The sound of someone knocking on the front door made Kii shut off the tv and get up.

It must be the car L sent for me.

Kii pulled open the door to reveal a man who's face was covered by a hat and coat.

Creepy but I guess I understand. They still must think I'm involved with Kira. But hopefully working with L will prove that I'm not Kira and that I'm innocent! Same goes for Light..

"Hello. You must be Miss Asuda. Please, this way."

Kii gave a small nod and headed out to the oddly familiar looking black car and open the door. She sat in and saw L.

"Oh, hi." Kii said awkwardly.

Why am I so nervous?

"Hello. Light is already with the task force if you were wondering."

Kii nodded and buckled her seat belt, "Okay. By the way.. thanks for letting me help out."

L stared blankly at Kii, "Of course. And I'll have to ask you to refer to me as Ryuzaki from now on. You should also have an alias. I suggest Kai."

Kii smiled and nodded, "Okai." She joked.

L felt a smile tug his lips but managed to fight it off.

She seems almost different.


"Under normal circumstances, humans should have continued to evolve as the greatest creatures upon this earth, but we were actually regressing. A rotten world. Politics, law, education... Was there anybody around who could correct this world? But someone had to do it." ~Yagami Raito (Death Note)

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